Example sentences of "round and [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Thoroughly exasperated by this lack of information when she wanted all the details , she shuffled round and went back into the lounge .
2 It does n't seem to have had as bad an effect on a lot of people as it might appear — they have n't immediately turned round and gone back to the very worst anti-gay feeling .
3 It was also far too early to simply turn round and go back to the city even if Alain had been willing .
4 I turn round and go back onto the street and then have one last look at her .
5 I turn round and go back into the station .
6 He turned round and walked off into the gathering darkness .
7 You can also circle your hips , swooping down to your heels as you go round and come up to the other side !
8 Instead , he turned round and strolled back to the house , leaving her standing there with a black scowl on her face .
9 Slorne , who had been up at the back of her cage most of the day as usual , suddenly opened her wings , swung round and dropped down to the front of her cage .
10 With that , she turned round and ran back into the house .
11 twisted , warped , it 's in a sense it 's exactly the same as the circle , you know you draw the circle it 's a line that starts there and goes perfectly round and comes back to the starting point , it 's exactly the same as that , but it 's been pushed out at the edges , it 's been dented in here , it 's not recognisable now as that same circle , although it 's what it is , and you see what , what has happened is although we 've sinned , although we 've come short of God 's plan , God has n't destroyed the whole thing , he could so easily just taken up the human life and crumple it up and thrown it on the heap , said finished with them , ca n't be bothered , I 'll start all over again with new people , I 'll have a new creation , well he did have a new creation , but he kept that same creation , he said I 'm gon na work on it , I 'm gon na do something with it , I 'm gon na restore it , I 'm gon na ransom it , I 'm gon na redeem it , I 'm gon na make it again , not just like it was , but I 'm gon na make it even more wonderful and more beautiful .
12 Then he swung round and marched off through the door .
13 Finally satisfied that these tableaux held no secrets , they turned round and headed back towards the gallery marked THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD .
14 He slid the holdall between her legs , on the floor pan , then walked round and climbed in to the driver 's side .
15 I spun round and sat down on the pavement , a ringing noise in my head .
16 A pool was contained under a miniature cliff , broken half-way up its face by the route the path took in looping round and pressing on down the valley .
17 With that , she whirled round and hurried out of the door that led into the garden .
18 She turned round and pointed back at the Victorian building with the campanile chimney .
19 Now tell our pest control officer here to turn round and drive back to the hacienda . ’
20 ‘ Christ , they were quick off the mark , Piper , ’ remarked the driver , swinging the jeep round and heading back along the road to Brigade H.Q. Nos. 3 and 6 Commando were pulling out as we entered the village ; no sign of 45 Royal Marine Commando .
21 I 've had enough of the lights , so we turn round and head back to the house .
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