Example sentences of "feature [prep] [art] [noun sg] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the innovatory features of the Act is that the holder of the office it sets up — the Data Protection Registrar — has the task of applying a set of principles — the Data Protection Principles , set out as a Schedule to the Act .
2 In summary , the main features of the architecture are as follows : the problem is viewed as one of directed search of a graph , this search space being contained within a single global data structure , the Chart .
3 One of the central features of the company is that it separates out the functions of ownership and management .
4 One of the good features of the pond is that the soil extracted for the depth was reused for building up other areas of the pond , so there was no waste to dispose of .
5 One of the nicest and most original features of the game is that while Doodle can take out the enemy by simply throwing his pencils , he can also use them to draw the bonuses or weapons he needs .
6 It was built originally as two cottages , and one of the most striking features of the house is that the ceiling at the front is at a different level to that at the back .
7 The key feature of a CD is that it can be sold by the holder in a secondary market , prior to maturity .
8 Another feature of the offence is that it applies irrespective of the ages of the parties ( save that a woman can not commit the offence of ‘ permitting ’ intercourse unless she is aged 16 or over ) .
9 A key feature of the module is that the programme should reflect activities and contexts which the student values and has chosen .
10 One unusual and noteworthy feature of the Diconix is that Kodak recognizes that the availability of the printer is likely to be critical to mobile users .
11 The interesting feature of the case is that the corporation exacted the payments under a mistake of fact — they did not know that the limestone was to be burnt into lime , while the plaintiff made the payments under a mistake of law — he did not know of the exemption .
12 A feature of the case is that the trial judge held the bank liable to the wife in damages for its failure to explain the effect of the charge to her .
13 Lord Osborne told the accused that it was a very serious offence and the happy feature of the case was that the baby had apparently not suffered very much at all in the long term — and this could only be seen as a miracle .
14 The near feature of the Framework is that the decision on whether to devolve responsibility ( or not ) will be based on the outcome of a Quality Audit .
15 Perhaps the most unusual feature of the diagram was that it represented the figure as having a twin backbone .
16 A feature of the degree is that students are required to complete a minimum of three months ' work experience in the industry .
17 However , since the principal feature of the raincoat was that it was very easily identifiable as associated with Mr Kagan , I declined the offer with gratitude .
18 The most striking feature of the rotor is that it has a different number of teeth to the stator ; the example of Fig.1.5 has four rotor teeth .
19 An odd , and possibly unique feature of the statue is that the horse 's tail hangs from a ball-and-socket joint which allows it to sway in the wind .
20 A curious feature of the scene is that the worshipping woman seems to be naked apart from an anklet and what may be a sacral knot tied round her neck .
21 A good feature of the Solution is that it offers flexibility in the depth of the decompression range , so that for an indicated ceiling of three metres it will accept that you are in the correct range if you are between nine and three metres depth .
22 A general feature of the cortex is that it contains mappings of the body , and of the world .
23 As far as engineering applications are concerned the most remarkable feature of the curve is that we can get a flux density even in the absence of all external agents .
24 One very interesting feature of the project is that we hope to use the old bridge which used to span the railway in Princes St. Gardens .
25 A key feature of the Intifada is that , after long years of trans-frontier or inter-state conflict between largely faceless enemies , it brought the conflict back to where it essentially belongs , to Palestine itself .
26 Another extraordinary feature of the situation was that ND 's executive officer , John Torkington , put over a PA announcement to the effect that there could be no play while any rain continued unless both captains agreed .
27 An interesting feature of the method is that the functions and are obtained in terms of the prescribed initial data by solving generalized versions of Abel 's integral equation for the tautochrone problem of classical particle mechanics .
28 Perhaps the most important feature of the morning was that all the groups had discovered that there are definite skills to be used in interviewing .
29 A very useful feature of the program is that you can also print out what is on the screen at any time , ( commonly known as a ‘ screen dump ’ because the computer literally ‘ dumps ’ the contents of the screen to the printer . )
30 For our present purposes , however , the important feature of the model is that it develops the implications of the widely accepted notion that even the simplest stimulus will consist of a set ( probably a large number ) of elements and that only some of these will be sampled ( will activate their central representations ) on a given exposure ( cf.
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