Example sentences of "series [prep] [noun pl] which [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another added a series of syllables which sounded like yumyumyum to help him over the blocks .
2 His own practice , as recorded in one of a series of articles which appeared in the Manchester Guardian in October and November 1930 * by one of the pupils who attended the evening classes he held there once a week between 1925 and 1927 , was from a drawing to make a careful sketch in various hades of one colour , obtaining in this way the construction of the picture and the suggestion for various tonal values .
3 The evidence is presented as a series of themes which emerged from the interview data .
4 The future lay with Lully who , besides composing and dancing in ordinary ballets , collaborated with Moliere in a series of comedies-ballets which began in 1664 with the Le Mariage force and culminated with Le Bourgeois gentilhomme ( 1670 ) , in which Jourdain was played by the author and the Mufti by the composer .
5 On Aug. 27 the High Council of the Republic ( HCR — the transitional legislature ) adopted a series of measures which extended to Dec. 31 the period of transition to democracy , due to end on Aug. 28 , ostensibly to allow further preparation for the constitutional referendum as well as for municipal , legislative and presidential elections .
6 Frederick 's rejection of this sensible advice and subsequent acceptance of the Bohemian crown sparked off a series of events which culminated in the Thirty Years ' War .
7 These agreements are the latest in a series of steps which began with the visit made by Gu Xiu Lian , Minister of the Chinese Chemical Industry , to Montecatini 's Italian headquarters .
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