Example sentences of "piece of [noun sg] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got a knackered left arm where the car went over it ; they took a piece of bone out of the shoulder , so there 'll need to be a lot of physio on it .
2 He was never allowed to hold the colobus , though , and sat eating his piece of meat apart from the others .
3 I put the piece of meat back into the mess tin .
4 Alice 's room was tiny , with a single bed , one other piece of furniture apart from the wall cupboard , a small chair , and a narrow window that would not open .
5 Only when every part of the grass verge around the body had been scoured , and the piece of turf actually under the body remained the last to be examined , would Dr Barnard allow human feet to walk on the ground to approach the body .
6 He felt Dashwood 's index finger inside his mouth , pushing the slippery piece of skin further into the moist orifice .
7 Oh God do n't wan na do my fucking musical , I 've got ta make a flipping piece of music out from a stupid scale .
8 EVEN in these less affluent times , there are those who are happy to buy expensive , muddy carrots instead of bright orange ones at half the price , or an expensive piece of beef instead of a cut-price special offer .
9 Cut off a piece of plant just below the place where the leaves join the stem .
10 I love those ones where there 's a piece of cloth just with a safety pin or something like that .
11 He threw a piece of paper on to the floor .
12 They squeezed into the little , bright cubicle and Keith put a piece of paper down on the shelf .
13 He stood up and went over to an escritoire and took a piece of paper out of a drawer .
14 h ) If the machine is a Silver Reed or Knitmaster : Put a tiny piece of vaseline on to the lever attached to the back of the machine that trips the lever that the punchcard rotates on .
15 But he was the adult involved , after all , he thought , eating a piece of chocolate hard on a particular tooth to get rid of some bitter aspirin lodged in a broken stopping .
16 Harvey got a piece of canvas out of the front of the car and then pike took his overcoat off and they wrapped the coat into the canvas and strapped it up very tight on a long strap , the other end of which they fixed to the belt of Ralph pike 's overalls .
17 The X-ray showed clean breaks on both sides of my ankle , as if someone had miraculously scythed the pieces of bone off with a knife .
18 A few examples remain of pieces of land still in no single ownership , such as meadowland shared between Axminster and Kilmington parishes in Devon alongside the river Axe near Newenham Abbey , common land on Dartmoor shared between Bridestowe and Sourton parishes , and meadow alongside the River Avon in Wiltshire shared between the parishes of Broughton Gifford and Melksham Without .
19 Use a little royal icing to cement the two pieces of roof on to the sloping sides of the house , propping up the eaves with toothpicks too if necessary .
20 When the Headmaster showed him around parts of Hardside he put little pieces of cloth down on the ground and stood on these to protect his shoes .
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