Example sentences of "act as [art] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There must be something she ate that would act as a cover for paraquat or whatever he was going to use .
2 The module may act as a foundation for students wishing to pursue their studies in the area of law .
3 The hands will also act as a stabilizer for balance .
4 The screens do , however , act as a block for sound and security and this should be borne in mind when the changes are considered .
5 As well as providing a dry and secure home for your car , garages may also act as a store for ladders , lawnmowers and kids ' bikes and maybe even a workshop utility room
6 These data indicate therefore that the octamer motif in HPV 16/18 can act as a target for repression by Oct-1 .
7 2 ) To encourage each member to develop particular expertise so that s/he would act as a focus for training others .
8 As soon as this happens the oligonucleotide can act as a primer for DNA polymerase and is extended to form a new double stranded molecule .
9 It is also important to note , furthermore , that while the external labour market may act as an incentive for directors to be more diligent , it is not obvious that it will improve the position where they lack flair or are simply inept .
10 This would act as an incentive for conservation and would also enable poor countries to realize some of the value of the resources .
11 At the closing ceremony Mitterrand expressed the hope that the conference would act as an impulse for ideas to become concrete steps .
12 ‘ The crux of our argument is that we do n't need to have toxic wastes and the fact that plants like Rechem exist , providing easy options for companies , is acting as a disincentive for companies to clean up . ’
13 In general its powers included giving information , advice , and assistance to adolescents and their parents on choice of employment and related matters ; filtering available young workers into openings on the basis of a detailed knowledge of each applicant and each vacancy ; acting as a centre for enquiries from other youth agencies , such as clubs , Scouts and apprenticeship committees ; and organizing propaganda for the creation of ‘ responsible ’ opinion among parents , juveniles , employers , and the public as to the ‘ evil ’ effects of the disorganized methods of recruitment into the youth labour-market .
14 If you can afford one , a good plugger can benefit both the artist and the radio station by acting as a fixer for guest appearances , or providing news and creative ideas ; but like everything , some pluggers are better than others , and radio producers usually prefer to exercise their own musical judgement and not to pander to pluggers ' suggestions .
15 This project worked with existing community groups in the area , helping to set up new groups and acting as a resource for community action .
16 Since last summer , Controll has been acting as a dealer for Hewlett-Packard Co , Compaq Computer Corp and Philips Electronics NV .
17 ( e ) The least common , but worthy of note is a seller acting as a tenant for life .
18 The army has profited nicely from acting as a conduit for arms supplies to the resistance armies fighting in Cambodia and from its control of the timber and gem trades with Cambodia , Laos and Burma .
19 It is interesting that he should have first obtained benefices in the north ; in the late thirteenth century very many royal clerks were beneficed in the province of York , and it is clear that he was in the king 's service by 1262 , acting as a proctor for Henry III in the French court .
20 Gregory , who had been teaching English in Thailand for two years , has said she was acting as a courier for Lock , on whom no drugs were found .
21 In 1966 , however , when Mao began his dramatic bid for absolute power , using young Red Guards to discredit and persecute his old rivals within the party , Chen again rose to the occasion , acting as a mouthpiece for Mao 's increasingly scrambled thoughts and policies .
22 It is believed that the tongue plays an important part in acting as an antennae for vibrations , or that the snake is hypersensitive to earth vibrations .
23 Teaching was the only practical possibility though one of the few other options was acting as an agent for Tootals ties .
24 During the day John worked in the cotton trade , and in his spare time he devoted his energy to music and various activities , such as acting as the secretary for cricket clubs , always with the intention of promoting his business career .
25 The hindquarters are the means of support and act as a leverage for locomotion .
26 Fundholding has acted as a catalyst for change in Britain 's general practice community — the ultimate outcome of the experiment remains to be seen .
27 Nevertheless , over the years the curriculum has become increasingly regulated , in the face of concern about the need for reform — expressed with increasing regularity once James Callaghan 's Ruskin College ( ‘ Great Debate ’ ) speech in 1976 had acted as a catalyst for debate .
28 Archie 's Nephew , a stable-companion of Rushing Wild , was scoring for the first time this season , having acted as a schoolmaster for novice riders in several earlier runs .
29 The success of the pilot year of the Student Tutoring Scheme coupled with the interest shown in Enterprise Studentships has acted as a launchpad for Student Enterprise within Napier .
30 The Summer School and studio have acted as a focus for Jacqueline 's work .
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