Example sentences of "act [prep] an [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thus while the committees hoped their work would act as an antidote to the apparent tendency ‘ to reduce workpeople to the mental condition of animated machines ’ , they also sought to encourage an all-round improvement in efficiency and a training designed to develop ‘ the habit of regular industry … a healthy growth in mind and body ’ , the inculcation of thrift , and the ever popular ‘ discipline ’ .
2 As a result social class can act as an obstacle to the motivation of talent .
3 It says the system can act as an interface to the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Management Environment and runs under Motif .
4 It says the system can act as an interface to the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Management Environment and runs under Motif .
5 In 1696 an Act of Parliament " for the Encouragement and Increase of Seamen " had provided that mariners , irrespective of rank , should pay 6d. per month out of their wages to support the Royal Naval Hospital at Greenwich which should act as an alternative to the parish relief which few sailors were able to claim even if they wished to do so .
6 In view of this , it would appear that a corporate finance arm of a conglomerate , acting as an underwriter to a client , would fulfil this test if , in the course of its relationship with that client , it acquired confidential information such as earnings figures , future corporate plans , new innovations , or inventions , and would , as a result , owe an obligation of confidence to that client .
7 It read as follows : I had spent many weary hours and weary days of negotiation before arriving at the point where I withdrew from acting as an adviser to the profession because the consultants had embarked on strike action .
8 There was reported to be strong personal rivalry between Demirel and Özal , who had been Demirel 's economic adviser in 1979-80 before acting as an adviser to the military regime of 1980-82 and founding the ANAP in 1983 .
9 But it is the Duchess herself who most obviously embodies those qualities of courage and fidelity that act as an antidote to the surrounding evil .
10 Dr de Klerk , who has acted as an adviser to the anti-apartheid Democratic Party , is known to be close to his brother , but politics is rarely on the agenda when they meet .
11 The third component is the application program interface which acts as an interface to the program operations and controls feedback from the screen representations .
12 Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi , one of CU 's leaders , said that CU did not intend to act as an opposition to the current authorities , but to " propose reasonable action and actively participate in the reforms " .
13 I think , I to be quite honest , correct me if I 'm wrong , with regard to the publicity group , that the publicity group really was to get something out that was going to act as an icebreaker to the members .
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