Example sentences of "bear in [noun] [conj] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 But you have to bear in mind that we are doctors , and as such we should really do what we 're trained to do — and are expected to do . ’
2 ‘ You have to bear in mind that we are coming off a very low base , ’ said Mr Heather .
3 But one has to bear in mind that it is always possible that you could have other materials for riding and so on .
4 Mm , you 've got to bear in mind that it is actually erm it is n't something you can take for granted , it is something that is a given thing and that er , it can be taken away , that 's the main thing , but
5 It is important to bear in mind that there is no absolute dualism in the Hebrew religion .
6 Er and that the , the final analysis er in regard to time , was reasonable , because you 've got to bear in mind that there was money attached to that , and if his figures are out , and your bonus effort could be increased by ten to fifteen or even twenty percent you know , then his time was considered by the management to be much too loose .
7 This is a particularly important point to bear in mind when it is realized that many technological developments operate at the edges of life , whether they be ventilators or incubators .
8 Another point to bear in mind when you are taking a camcorder away with you on holiday is that you may wish to do check replays of your recordings on a colour set as you go along .
9 If you wo n't water them regularly , they die — even in a fairly miserable , rainy summer — and that 's something you really do have to bear in mind when you 're planning a garden which includes them . "
10 In deciding to take no action against the licence , Mr Peter said that he bore in mind that it was due to be renewed shortly when he would want a report on the company 's arrangements in regard to drivers ' hours and records .
11 With regard to the inspector 's decision to which you refer , it should be borne in mind that he was concerned with the effect which development would have , and where development would be suitable or unsuitable .
12 However , before taking any adverse moral position it should be borne in mind that it is only the existence of such risk takers that allow risk-averse ( such as those described in motives 4 to 5 ) investors to effectively sell the risk of their portfolios or investments .
13 These are questions which history departments must pose for themselves but it should be borne in mind that it is at the end of the key stage that a final assessment will be required .
14 It must be borne in mind that there is a crucial distinction between crisis management and crisis resolution .
15 It should be borne in mind that there are always problems of definition and of classification in compiling figures such as these and also that all the figures for currencies other than the US dollar have had to be converted to dollars and hence depend upon the exchange rate used .
16 ‘ Edward was born in London and I was born in Russia .
17 you had him when you were eighteen , he were born in June and you was nineteen in September were n't you ?
18 ( If they sound a little harassed , please bear in mind that they are new to the system and so may take a little longer to respond in the first few weeks of live running . )
19 Just bear in mind that you are forty-eight
20 When you come to considering ventilation , bear in mind that it is a legal requirement that rooms containing a toilet have either a window that opens , or an extractor fan .
21 Bear in mind that there is a three point scoring ceiling which is often reached within bout time .
22 For the time being , just bear in mind that there are these two styles .
23 Some of the most common stumbling blocks are physical , but bear in mind that there are usually solutions .
24 Now the planning application is for Waste Regulation rests with this Authority and I would emphasise that to members here that wh if you 're looking at the sites you must bear in mind that we are the waste Site Planning Application Authority and that you can not go and make progress in any direction without it coming to Committee here and I would hope that officers would bear in mind the sensitivity which has already been mentioned in agenda today but members will find that these applications er are addressed in their own district , in their own divisions .
25 … And I think you 've also got to have people who do bear in mind that they 're about one of the few parts of the authority that are in the forefront of the people and are basically representing the authority .
26 Do bear in mind that what is common currency in your department will mean nothing to anybody else .
27 And we should bear in mind that there 's potential noise , okay , affecting many parts of this .
28 You should also bear in mind that it is only once you have reached the end of the road in trying to obtain satisfaction through the Bank 's own complaints system that the Ombudsman will be able to formally consider your complaint .
29 Yes thank you Chairman erm I think important question very similar question I think we 're we 're all wondering whether the changed landscape of West Sussex , the changed use of West Sussex has had any influence on the flooding and as the County Council has pointed out worst amount of rain we 've had for about seventy years or so I think it 's very useful and important er to ask questions an and when this crisis is over we reflect on what we can learn from it , but I must bear in mind that it is first and foremost extraordinary climatic conditions which have caused these problems and that in itself of course might have implications erm the whole of global warming does tend to come to mind when you see what 's happening in Australia as well as what 's happening here erm that 's certainly not anything that agencies great or small can have any control over .
30 You must bear in mind that you are dealing only with probabilities and — who knows ? — the examiner may have been changed next time .
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