Example sentences of "bear [prep] [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 , I am told , did not come into politics , he was born into politics and I understand that his parents were strong and prominent members of the independent Labour Party and the Labour Party .
2 But before you go rushing off to the river to catch a netful of chub , bear in mind that I have said only that chub are easy to catch compared to most other species .
3 Bear in mind that I gave my evidence after Blissett had been charged by the FA for a serious breach of the laws of the game — and the experienced commission of inquiry , which conducted a rigorous investigation into the incident , cleared him .
4 And should that day come — bear in mind that I say " should it come " , not " when it comes " — who shall blame them ?
5 Whether the Council I , I personally would be quite keen to go down there and see A , and we 'd need permission of the land owners , to do this , to see where the link could go across , you know , the best position , so that we , and I believe this is what Councillor is saying , so that we can actually come forward and maybe this ought to be a meeting with the Amenities Committee , maybe the Ramblers and bear in mind as I say again I hate to do these things and the land owner think we 're steamrollering 'em into something without their knowledge .
6 I did n't spot any that er that were glaringly , do bear in mind that I read this quite late last night after I got in from that , that meeting I went
7 I would like your advice as to the method and position of fitting the temperature sensor unit , bearing in mind that I want to retain originality .
8 I ask these questions because of course article five of the treaty of Rome basis a burden on this court , it does n't er create rights in itself , I think everyone agrees with this , but it certainly er imposes a duty on this court erm to apply with er community laws , purposes and principals and I 'm wondering whether erm , that , that is why I 'm looking at the possible consequences of this er the inter relationship between the , for example , the directive and article eighty five , er and bearing in mind as I said to Mr the other day , the consequences erm of er these fees
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