Example sentences of "king 's [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The 2pm InterCity from King 's Cross to Glasgow via Darlington and Newcastle was 25 minutes late .
2 ‘ If I find even the vaguest reference to an Ark or to Jordan 's water in this abbey or any place in your possession , I shall see you stand trial at King 's Bench in London on a charge of high treason ! ’
3 Miller had told Richardson that he hoped to correspond with Dr Alston , King 's Professor of Botany in Edinburgh … ‘ a man of learning and has good skill in distinguishing plants and a great share of modesty ’ .
4 On the Thursday ( 10 December ) Baldwin presented the King 's message of renunciation to the House of Commons , and followed it by his own account and justification of events .
5 One who had followed the King 's army from London to Coventry was ‘ taken by the soldiers , and first led about the city then set in a pillory , after in a cage then ducked in a river , and at last banished the city ’ .
6 Originally excavated by Pendlebury of the Egypt Exploration Society in 1936 at the Chapel of the King 's Statue at el-Amarna in the Nile valley , the papyrus was probably connected with the official cult of King Akhenaton , the heretic pharaoh ( 1352–1336 BC ) .
7 In 1250 Robert Passelewe was supplanted in the king 's favour by Geoffrey of Langley — by sycophantic arts , according to his severe critic , Matthew Paris .
8 His busyness in seeking profitable office suggests little sympathy for the austere ideals of ‘ Thorough ’ : a privy councillor throughout the decade , he had no scruples in gathering a clutch of reversions for his young sons Thomas and Henry ( later first Earl of St Albans , q.v. ) , which inhibited the king 's freedom of appointment in legal , financial , and administrative offices .
9 Thomas son of Adam , who had held the manor of Hutton-in-the-Forest by the serjeanty of keeping the king 's hay of Plumpton in Inglewood Forest , had by 1244 alienated the manor entirely to several tenants .
10 He was also a sun god as Harakhty , Horus of the Horizon , and as Horus of Behdet , and was the son of Osiris and Isis as Horus , as Monthu was local to Thebes and became the king 's god of warfare in the New Kingdom , when Thebes was the capital .
11 He is the head of a great Government office — what may be called the secretarial office ; he is ‘ the King 's Secretary of State for all departments ’ ; whatever writing has to be done in the King 's name is done by the Chancellor or through him and his officers .
12 Not least was the king 's promotion to colonel of one of the most notoriously renegade local gentry , Thomas Lansford of East Hoathly , who had been fined £9000 and obliged to flee abroad after shooting firstly at the deer and then at the person of Sir Thomas Pelham .
13 COLIN Montgomerie was yesterday fined £1,000 and told to get his act together by the European Tour chief executive , Ken Schofield , who was upset by his fellow-Scot 's criticism of the King 's Course at Agadir in last week 's Moroccan Open .
14 He was made a member of the King 's Guard at Whitehall in 1641–2 .
15 Three years ago Peter Champion took over the King 's Head at Wootton near Woodstock .
16 Seven years earlier Anselm had not seen the king 's responsibility for order in the Church as an expression of self-will fighting against Rectitudo .
17 The novel effect of Mortmain was thus to extend the king 's supervision to alienations by his mesne tenants and , at least after 1299 , to raise money from this .
18 There is also a King 's standard in store in one of the cedar drawers .
19 Great Pulteney Street alone is 1,100 feet long and 100 feet wide , though the thin pilasters and applied pediments of Bathwick 's terraces prevent them from ranking alongside the Royal Crescent and the King 's Circus as works of European significance .
20 In 1894 Chinese troops were sent to Korea in response to the Korean king 's request for help against domestic rebellion led by the powerful Tonghak religious sect .
21 The report , published two weeks before the 25th anniversary of King 's assassination in Memphis on 4 April , 1968 , said army units used informants to spy on the King family and other US black leaders starting in 1917 .
22 In 1636 he was accused by the king 's agent for Somerset of fraud and duplicity , charges which were revived when he made another attempt to tackle the Somerset Levels in 1655 .
23 The policy of centralization and definition of royal rights adopted by the last Capetians exposed the incompatibility between the French insistence on the full rights of suzerainty and the English king 's desire for freedom of action for himself and his officials in the duchy .
24 Lekhanya over ( i ) the King 's desire for dialogue with the South African liberation movement ; ( ii ) his complaints at corruption ; and ( iii ) his concern for broader participation in constitutional reform and the transition to democracy planned for 1992 .
25 Between 1258 and 1272 Roger , like previous bishops of Coventry and Lichfield , was frequently appointed as the king 's representative in negotiations with the Welsh .
26 The king 's declaration of war in 1642 came as no surprise , but forced splits in local communities which many of the leaders had been anxious to conceal .
27 The king 's arrival in Belfast on 25 June was greeted with bonfires , followed by a warm welcome wherever he went .
28 Unlike Simon , however , ( who withdrew to France ) Peter accepted the king 's recovery of power in 1261 , and next year served the king and Edward as custodian of Abergavenny , which he tried in vain to protect from the attacks of Llywelyn ab Gruffydd [ q.v . ] .
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