Example sentences of "source of [noun] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Is it a new editorial policy that New Scientist will investigate the number and source of replies to advertisements within its pages and then print snide remarks about why the unsuccessful applicants should n't have applied in the first place ?
2 Lets hope Community Care will be a constant companion and source of support to Thompson in the future .
3 It is able to do this because the market is a front-line source of liquidity to banks in the event of a shortage .
4 The destination — as so often with this ship — was Honduras in Central America , quite a rich source of exports to England at the time , including the mahogany which was used for so much 19th-century furniture .
5 THE PRIVATE PASSIONS OF PUBLIC FIGURES are a constant source of fascination to readers of the tabloid press and to students of literary biography alike .
6 Women 's weak labour-market position is a source of disadvantage to women from which only employers benefit , since it enables them to pay women workers less than they would men .
7 Experiments with rat embryos suggest that this increased demand for oxygen is due both to a change in metabolism , from a predominantly glycolytic source of energy to utilization of the Kreb 's cycle and electron transport system , and to a necessary compensation for the absence of a functional chorioallantoic placenta which serves in vivo as an important organ of respiratory exchange ( 18 ) .
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