Example sentences of "nature and [noun] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While Hirst 's analysis addresses the nature and structure of knowledge in general , and can be related to the undergraduate curriculum , it has nevertheless been debated mainly in terms of the schools .
2 These are the practical considerations of the nature and limitations of wood as a material , on the one hand , and the visual effect one is trying to achieve on the other : the two are sometimes difficult to satisfy simultaneously .
3 This permits the use of probability theory to compare the nature and range of outcomes of activities and help to form judgements as to the best course of action in given circumstances .
4 This permits the use of probability theory to compare the nature and range of outcomes of activities and help to form judgements as to the best course of action in given circumstances .
5 This chapter will seek to examine various theories on the nature and management of conflict in employment relationships .
6 They were printed fairly rapidly : Francis Galton gave a lecture on the nature and nurture of men of science on 27 February 1874 , and sent out offprints on 9 April , at a postage charge of 1/2d ; .
7 As in so many debates on the nature and location of power in Britain it is not possible to come to a firm and lasting conclusion as to the nature of prime ministerial power relative to the position of the cabinet since Prime Ministers have always differed in their degree of command of the cabinet .
8 Where there is no dispute about this there may nevertheless be disagreement as to the nature and level of service to be provided .
9 We needed to be clear about the nature and purpose of English as a school subject .
10 for the value as science indicators for policy studies concerned with monitoring the nature and direction of advances in scientific research ; particularly for corporate planners concerned with the strategic implications of such changes for industrial R&D .
11 Analysing educational information for relevant markets gives the firm an insight into the nature and sophistication of consumers in different countries .
12 Undeniably , the Board 's regulations of 1924 and 1932 exerted a powerful beneficial influence on the nature and extent of provision for liberal adult education throughout the period and proved to be a major factor in facilitating the rapid increase in the scale of activity .
13 A full appraisal of the televising of the House would therefore require detailed examination of the nature and extent of changes in the practices and proceedings of the House , and in the conduct of its Members , since televising began .
14 In Chapter 3 we will look at specific examples of criminal behaviour , and will discuss and criticise some of the common assumptions about the nature and extent of crime in contemporary society .
15 The implications of this theory are so powerful that the impact of modern linguistics on literary studies has not been limited to problems of literary language alone , but has produced new theories of the nature and organization of literature as a whole and indeed of all social and cultural life .
16 Such differences may explain differences in content as well as the nature and distribution of power in British society .
17 The exposure draft also incorporates substantial revisions to the IAS , including : disclosure of the profit or loss from ordinary activities and extraordinary items on the face of the income statement ; guidance to assist in the identification of extraordinary items ( outside the ordinary activities of an enterprise and of a non-recurring nature ) ; a requirement to disclose the nature and amount of items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary activities that are of such size , nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of the enterprise for the period ; and additional disclosures in respect of discontinued operations .
18 In addition , the viable DNA in tissue embedded in paraffin decreases according to the nature and duration of exposure to preservative .
19 1984 for definition of terms Rivers 1964 Dakin 1973 on the nature and use of drills in language teaching Palmer 1981 on the nature of meaning Yule 1985
20 The nature and growth of knowledge in teaching
21 It also examines the influence of the SEM and related rules on the locational behaviour of large firms with respect to the LFRs in order to establish whether the nature and quality of investment in such regions may enhance regional development potential .
22 ( 1983 ) , these changes led to substantial shifts in the nature and pattern of demand in eighteenth-century England prior to the main developments in machine technology .
23 This approach has the advantage of providing detailed data about the nature and severity of illness in society , but it suffers from the obvious drawback that not everyone who is ill seeks or receives medical treatment and not everyone who seeks medical treatment is necessarily ill .
24 A major consultative exercise on the nature and role of promotions with regard to academic staff is also under way .
25 Parent material influences the nature and rate of weathering in two major ways .
26 Thus the understanding of glacial landforms such as cirques required further knowledge of the processes of ice movement and glacial erosion and the interpretation of planation surfaces as having been produced by marine erosion required knowledge of the nature and rate of processes of coastal erosion .
27 The schools particularly appreciated the supportive feedback , which was almost unanimous in its expressions of surprise for the complex nature and weight of responsibility of schools , of admiration for the skill and commitment of staff , and of concern for the level of resourcing .
28 The problem is further exacerbated by the prevailing view as to the nature and constituents of leadership in schools .
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