Example sentences of "situation in [pron] the [noun sg] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The matter may also arise indirectly in situations in which the decision-maker belongs to an organisation which initiated the proceeding , but where he himself has taken no part in the decision to prosecute .
2 But if we begin from situations in which the community does not find it necessary to impose standards , we find , in the very simplest cases , full confidence and agreement in evaluating , untroubled by worries over differences of taste .
3 The basic level ‘ is that level of abstraction that is appropriate for using , thinking about , or naming an object in most situations in which the object occurs ’ ( Rosch , 1978 , p.43 ) .
4 Unfortunately , such an approach ignores the range of situations in which the phrase appears .
5 Again , a situation in which the animal detects that there is danger , or suspects that there might be danger , is something which we need to take account of in considering the welfare of animals .
6 We are to imagine a situation in which the State provides all the services it currently provides , let us say roads and a sewerage system , free education and a free health service , social security and unemployment benefits and the like .
7 The focus on the addresser , for instance a speaker or an author , constitutes the emotive function , that of expressing the addresser 's attitudes or feelings ; the focus on the addressee or receiver , the conative function , that of influencing the feelings or attitudes of the addressee ; the focus on the context , the real , external situation in which the message occurs , the referential function ; the focus on the code , as when a message elucidates a point of grammar , the metalingual function ; the focus on the means of contact , as in the case , say , of expressions inserted by one party into a telephone conversation simply in order to reassure the other party that they are both still on the line , the phatic function ; the focus on the message itself , the poetic function .
8 The doctors are then faced with a situation in which the patient has made no decision and , he by then being unable to decide for himself , they have both the right and the duty to treat him in accordance with what in the exercise of their clinical judgment they consider to be his best interests .
9 This should be contrasted with the situation in which the patient instructs the doctor to refrain from further treatment .
10 The fact that face-to-face communication is usually considered as basic for the purposes of deictic reference , does not imply , however , that the deictic context relevant to ordinary conversation is invariably and straightforwardly identified with the immediate situation in which the interaction takes place : In 1 it is the speaker 's physical location within a restricted spatial setting ( e.g. a room , a square , etc ) that is relevant to the disambiguation of the place deictic " here " , whereas in 2 the reference of the same adverb falls within a much wider context ( a whole country ) , and the spatial deictic centre includes the hearer as well as the speaker .
11 I limit my inquiry further by not considering the situation in which the doctor exceeds the norm of accepted treatment — for example , where his treatment borders on experimentation , where other considerations apply .
12 The same must be true of a situation in which the defendant pleads honest belief in consent on the ground that the victim permitted penetration although the defendant was aware that she might not understand the nature of the act .
13 Equally unlikely but certainly possible is a situation in which the defendant has sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent , mistakenly believing that woman to be his wife .
14 Adair identified leadership style in this essentially functional approach : the common perception of leadership as ‘ decision-making ’ was , he argued , inadequate to describe the range of action required by the complex situation in which the manager finds himself .
15 John Gummer , Secretary of State for Agriculture , said : ‘ We can not have a situation in which the consumer does not have absolute confidence in British eggs .
16 Leadership depends for its success not only on the knowledge , skills and personality of the leader , but also on the task to be achieved , the skills and motivation of the team , and the environment or situation in which the leader has to operate .
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