Example sentences of "soon [subord] [pron] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Photographer Linda persuaded Paul to bare all soon after they met in the late Sixties .
2 One day , soon after he arrived in the dale he had reason to go to another farm and overheard a conversation between two old ladies.p They were lamenting that it was a sad day because outsiders were coming into the dale and taking over farms and was n't it a shame they could n't be let to locals . ’
3 So , as soon as we got in the studio , I was on the trail . ’
4 As soon as we arrived in the red room , I became quiet again , and the two servants both started scolding me .
5 As soon as they got in the car and were clear of the port , the girl said : ‘ Can we stop for a moment ?
6 Now , getting back to the comment the woman made earlier about men being misogynist within their own world I 'm quite convinced that a good deal of those men would go home to their wives and family and be very loving to their , to their wives and family , be respectful of their neighbours but as soon as they got in the all male environment , and this woman was there to be used , she was their property for the time that they paid their money to get through the door , they could be as misogynist , offensive and horrid as they wanted to be !
7 It 's tacky it 's erm well as soon as they come in the door they wan na walk out and that that 's an overall opinion that 's not just me or a couple of mates that 's everybody .
8 The right thought we were too soft on primary school children , who should be expected to speak and write Standard English as soon as they arrive in the classroom .
9 4 As soon as s/he sits in the hot seat , this person must become the chosen character .
10 And er soon as he come in the house he he just walloped my mam for nothing .
11 " Where on earth have you been , Gordon ? " she demanded as soon as he appeared in the sitting-room .
12 and the Stationmaster 's office faced the platform but there is another door that to get into as soon as you got in the main door to the left , you see and with a flap and that 's the door that we used to take in the parcels , you see and very often we used to go in that door or sometimes we would go through o on to the platform and go in the Stationmaster 's door , you see and then there again , if I took messages to the Stationmaster on the single telegraph er I had to go down the steps because th more often than not that they were in the basement .
13 I had hoped to slip in unnoticed but , almost as soon as I booked in the hotel , I was isolated by a dusk to dawn curfew .
14 And as soon as I settled in the rue Victorie , I discovered I was very useful indeed .
15 I feel a victim as soon as I arrive in the salon .
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