Example sentences of "wait for [art] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the morning we have to wait for the sun to turn it to water .
2 ’ Does an employer have to wait for the government to push her into saying ’ This is a human being ? ’
3 Programs that are forced to wait for the processor have their priorities raised over time to ensure that they are not denied resource indefinitely .
4 Told me to wait for the horse to lift its tail . ’
5 Gloria tied on her red headscarf , Dot buttoned up her pink cardigan and they went to wait for the bus to take them down to the hospital to see how Baby was doing .
6 An investor can wait for a transaction to match their order by placing it within the limit order system .
7 Friends believe he may take the post rather than wait for a by-election to resume his career .
8 How much better it is to remove trees carefully rather than wait for a gale to do it in an uncoordinated way .
9 With an uncertain outlook for nineteen ninety three from our point of view it 's absolutely crucial to get costs in line we had obviously done cost-cutting during the previous two years , but we really needed to be sure that if revenues were not going to increase , we should n't wait for a recovery to bail us out .
10 He admitted last night : ‘ I ca n't wait for the players to find their feet in the Premier League . ’
11 ‘ We must wait for the strike to wear itself out , ’ as his private summary of his tactics .
12 ‘ We 'll sit tight and wait for the storm to blow itself out . ’
13 He is said to sink onto his knee on the track and wait for the train to end his life ; the train crews used to look out for the shadowy figure and shudder .
14 The only good and powerful females I can think of are fairies ( ie , not real people ) and for every fairy godmother there are 10 wimpy heroines waiting for a prince to rescue them .
15 As a Cheltenham magistrate Cranog Jones has sat in judgement of many but tonight he 's waiting for a jury to delever it 's verdict on him .
16 Try pulling one of the other 's single doors open on a mountain in a gale waiting for a gust to catch it and snap the stay .
17 COHSE argues that most trusts are waiting for a system to prove itself somewhere else before showing their hands — and that PRP will not work unless there is money to fund it .
18 Our porn challenges the received myths about our love-making , as Gillian Rodgerson pointed out when she argued that lesbians need to produce their own because ‘ then the myth that all lesbian sex is two women lounging around waiting for a man to join them , might finally be exploded . ’
19 I 'm just waiting for a man to knock my door and say well , you know , cos you can fined a lot do n't you ?
20 Gazzer wasted twenty minutes on the sea front waiting for a bus to take him up as far as the Leisure Centre .
21 Pop , as the Japs drew nearer , had organised the men with one of our Mission doctors , and they hoped to walk out up the Chindwin Valley and over into Assam , but unfortunately for Pop his feet had gone septic , and at the end he was dumped on Myitkya airfield for a night and a day , waiting for a plane to take him over to Dibrugarh in Assam .
22 The big English processors and distributors are not waiting for a conclusion to position themselves to compete more effectively in the new free market , expected to be in place by 1994 .
23 as if waiting for a command to bring them to life , Trent thought .
24 Brides do not tremble , they fuss ; bridesmaids even more so , and men stand about sheepishly , collies waiting for a whistle telling them what to do .
25 These can be in the form of a database waiting for the user to enter his own data , or a complete database ready for interrogation .
26 He was utterly calm , waiting for the interrupter to explain himself .
27 Hindley and his son Hareton seemed like lost sheep to me , and I knew there was a wicked wolf just waiting for the chance to attack them .
28 He has been waiting two years for a donor and carries a bleeper everywhere — waiting for the call telling him one has been found at last .
29 De Craon was sitting in a high-backed chair near the window , a small scroll of parchment on his lap , apparently waiting for the Prince to summon him to an audience .
30 While she was waiting for the computer to do whatever it had to do , she rested her elbows on the counter with her back to it and the man next to her said in a heavy voice , ‘ Are you an actress ? ’
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