Example sentences of "light from the [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 N B N B when you see the moon you are looking at light from the sun reflected from the moon circles .
2 Visible light from the sun passes through the atmosphere to the earth 's surface .
3 Newton discovered that if light from the sun passes through a triangular-shaped piece of glass , called a prism , it breaks up into its component colours ( its spectrum ) as in a rainbow .
4 The light from the hall spilled across the multi-coloured counterpane , and he laid her gently in the middle .
5 Light from the chandelier gleamed on his metal collar .
6 The narrow boat rocked slightly , a light from the galley filtered around the edge of the dividing curtain and now she heard the squeak as of a cupboard door .
7 The flickering light from the furnaces fell across his exposed face .
8 Suddenly a black figure , light from the flare gleaming along the steel in his hand , began his jump from the roof of the container behind him .
9 A better working position results from arranging the seating with light from the window coming from behind the pupils and on to the work surface .
10 The light from the oil-lamp shone on the brass plate .
11 The dim light from the landing shone on her hands , the hands of a woman with breasts full of milk for her baby , with a husband working late at school .
12 She brushed by him in the dark , and her closeness , brought a sudden tingling which raised the short hairs on his skin for a moment ; then she was gone , and light from the hallway spilled into the room from the half-open door .
13 Within a few paces the loom of the Tower was lost and the glint of light from the arrow-slit disappeared behind the curtains of rain .
14 Light from the desk-lamp fell on his hands spread out on the blue blotting-paper , thin hands with thin fingers , only half the size they would become .
15 With some punch lace designs , if you reverse the lights from the setting intended by the designer you will get large areas knitted in the fine yarn only , which can look rather messy .
16 Lights from the banks reflected off the water like a black mirror .
17 Lights from the traffic fled across the ceiling .
18 Frankie glanced up to see her quietly mouthing the words as lights from the screen flickered across her face .
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