Example sentences of "range of [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Answer guide : The relevant range of activity refers to the level of activity the firm has experienced in past accounting periods .
2 The objectives of the research are to assess the product quality of a broad range of articles manufactured in the Soviet Union , and consequently their marketability in Western countries .
3 The range of articles produced on the home and export markets has grown considerably in recent years .
4 The MHC-encoded proteasome subunits , which are inducible by interferon- γ , may nevertheless function to increase the overall proteolytic activity or the range of peptides generated by the proteasome from antigens in the context of an immune response , to a virus for example .
5 In the second year , two production units are supported by units in the theory and practice of acting ( the ‘ Stanislavski ’ tradition and the ‘ Brecht ’ tradition ) , a skills-based Stage Management unit and a further unit chosen from a wide range of electives offered by the Faculty .
6 The Barbier-Mueller collection contains about seventy pieces , covering the full range of works made on the islands — modelled human skulls , weapons , house posts , ancestor statues and a rare bark mask from the northernmost island of the archipelago — placing it second after the British Museum in terms of the importance of its holdings .
7 Niki de Saint-Phalle gets a solo show , with a wide range of works displayed inside the building and a further thirty-five outside in a kind of roof garden .
8 There has , however , been considerable unease amongst institutions as to the complexity of the rule books , the cost of regulation , and the wide range of regulators involved within the system .
9 By the 1920s an elaborate hierarchy of colours indicated the position of the record within a class system ; the overall range of prices varied over the years , but not the implied class structure .
10 A low range of hills lifted in the north , yellow , rumpled , threadbare , as if someone had been carrying a lionskin and had grown tired of it and had thrown it down .
11 This autumn it 's own range of clothing appears in the shops for the first time .
12 It is , of course , right to require them to adopt certain procedures to ensure that the public and the full range of interests represented by the authority have the opportunity to contribute to the consideration .
13 Honours degrees taken from the subjects within the department involve work in the third and fourth years taken from the wide range of interests covered by the department in Greek and Latin language and literature , archaeology , art and history .
14 Stock control means keeping the correct balance between the range of products stocked by the retailer , and the sales which arise from carrying that stock .
15 A spokesman for the Department of Employment said : ‘ This was not a one-off study , but part of a whole range of studies undertaken for the Department by the SCPR .
16 Here we need to ask ourselves a whole range of questions associated with the ways in which staff are managed in general and about the ways in which appraisal will be managed in the future — for there are choices to be made there in particular .
17 There is a diverse range of talents based at the Selborne farm — from confectioners to builders — and the NFU vice-chairman was given a brief tour before having to rush off to his next appointment .
18 It is important to note here that although an analysis of individual texts follows , the point of this approach is to provide an overall picture of a pupil 's literary diet across a range of texts met in the lower years of the secondary school .
19 The dictionary 's articles cover a wide range of topics connected with the ecumenical movement .
20 Rather there are a range of estimates resulting from the influence of study design factors and the reality that dementia is a continuous range of behaviours .
21 At SunWorld in Tokyo a couple of weeks ago it was displaying a new range of X-terminals based on the MIPS R3000 chip and proprietary ASIC chip called XSA ( X-server accelerator ) .
22 Other laboratories test particular products , but CRL is probably the only one which can cover the full range of equipment needed in the cold chain .
23 The modern range of engines fitted to the Clio range all offer highly competitive fuel economy and high standards of environmental protection .
24 It is , therefore , our intention to seek to increase the range of NVQs offered by the Board and to market them to employers in co-operation with the Chamber movement .
25 Whatever Shakespeare 's source or inspiration , Pistol is a brilliant invention , locked as he is in a verse-form and range of reference derived from the heroical plays in the London theatres of the 1580s and 1590s , as far removed as could be from his debased reality .
26 The range of professions utilized by the administrative agencies of the modern state not only encompasses all the traditional professional and scientific disciplines .
27 It also demands an understanding of social needs , economic factors , production and procurement systems , natural and environmental sciences , technology , and information handling techniques — an almost unlimited range of factors act upon the architect , requiring an appropriately broad repertoire of skills and techniques .
28 The effect of these various imperfections is to cede to companies a zone of discretion in relation to products and prices and the wide range of factors connected with the production process .
29 But clearly the majority of our audience is rather discerning and er is making decisions based on erm a whole range of factors to do with the information they receive through marketing and publicity .
30 The scope of assessment will vary between individuals and be dependent upon the range of factors impinging upon the quality of life and the nature or level of risk faced by a particular user and carer .
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