Example sentences of "back [prep] [pron] [noun sg] [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At the back of her mind was the thought that he might be with someone else .
2 At the back of her mind was the half-formed worry that William was with her only for what he could get .
3 She was taking eight months ' leave without pay from Coronation , but in the back of her mind was the odd feeling that she would n't be going back , and she did n't quite know what it meant .
4 Ruth wanted it never to end but always in the back of her mind was the thought that it must .
5 Always at the back of his mind was a serious actor trying to break out of the ‘ Carry On ’ mould , but while he was wanted for nothing more , says Percival , he was ready to go on showing that he was better than anyone else .
6 At the back of his mind was the fear that he had been given too much air , that his lungs could not sustain the pressure , that they would collapse as Commander Barnwell 's had collapsed .
7 Somewhere in the back of his mind was the knowledge that Legion wanted the woman kept alive , but the sight of Kreig 's ears had given Ardamal a thirst , and he needed to slake it .
8 He did not have time now to investigate his own feelings , but somewhere at the back of his mind was the thought that he was , himself , no idealist .
9 But what you carry away in the back of your eye is the image of two very still figures , in foetal folds , on the platform of that truck as everyone else dived for cover .
10 The cave at the back of my tent was a good place to keep my food , and so I called it my ‘ kitchen ’ .
11 At the back of my mind was a small , warning voice , telling me it was ridiculous to go on with this , that I could n't change Nonni 's mind , nor would it alter anything if I could .
12 At the back of my mind was the feeling that I would bump into you in the street .
13 That lane at the back of our school was the venue for all fights .
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