Example sentences of "around [n mass] for [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Profits at Unilever are forecast to rise from £575m to around £595m for the third quarter .
2 SCO claims 31% of multi-user accounting systems costing under £50,000 installed in the UK run on its flavour of Unix , whilst London-based market research firm , Ovum Ltd — which says accounting is by far the largest application software sector in the UK — forecasts an annual growth rate of around 23% for the Unix-based accounting software market to 1995 .
3 Trail rides : From around £250 for an extended weekend break ( four days ) to include B&B accommodation , up to £700- plus for seven nights , based on a luxury hotel ; nearly £800 for a nine day , ten nights , ride .
4 This is not expensive — around £20 for a two person lightweight model — and manufacturers should be able to put you in touch with repairers in your area .
5 Labour 's spend was around £750,000 for the same period , while the Liberal Democrats spent about £175,000 .
6 Annual wage increases for manufacturing workers ran at around 20% for the three years preceding 1990 .
7 Served up as B fodder , at least it provided him with a salary , albeit on rock-bottom union rates of around $300 for a full working week , which assured him a place barely above the poverty line .
8 Three floats are enough to give you long-lasting relaxation and that should cost you around £45 for an introductory course .
9 With a hardware cost of around £35,000 for a single workstation and a film recorder the majority of the potential users were quite happy to employ a bureau rather than do it all themselves .
10 Publications which run editorial competitions on a regular basis usually have a set price level , which may vary from as little as £50 or £100 value for a small provincial weekly to around £20,000-£25,000 for a national women 's magazine .
11 Middlesex , who fined him around £750 for a foul-mouthed outburst earlier in the season , immediately dropped him for the game against Hampshire .
12 Both the Water-Based Woodworm Killer and Water-Based Wood Preserver ( for the treatment and prevention of both insect and fungal attack in timber ) cost around £22 for a 5 litre pack , which includes a free brush for use with the products . , , .
13 Cost Around £30 for a 75–90 minute session .
14 They pay around £30 for the first jump , including membership of a club , but the cost decreases as they make more and more jumps .
15 Expected to be called the Powerserver 970 and costing little more than the current 75.8 SPECmark Model 950 , it is said to be a rack-mount machine costing around $97,000 for an entry-level configuration with 64Mb memory and 2.2Gb disk .
16 The six soldiers , who were variously accused of disorderly behaviour , assault and criminal damage , were represented by four senior Queen 's Counsel and an equal number of junior barristers at a cost estimated to be around £95,000 for the seven day hearing .
17 Prices range from around £200 for the 24″ × 20″ × 12″ tank , cabinet and hood to around £800 for a six foot size .
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