Example sentences of "enough [to-vb] a [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It is also very much of an ideal size — not so large as to be overwhelming , yet large enough to sustain a wide variety of cultural enjoyment in the Arts , Music and Drama .
2 Is the government 's tax base strong enough to support a planned expansion of services ?
3 From mid April to late summer , depending on the success of the breeding season , ospreys will be around and , if you visit in July or August and the season has been a success , you may be lucky enough to see a new family of young birds exercising their strengthening wings .
4 There was an almost miraculous answer to their prayers , and Margaret was well enough to attend a special service of thanksgiving on April 10th. 1660 .
5 We have limited the field to stored-program computers , and we further limit the field to general-purpose computers ; that is , to computers with an instruction set rich enough to perform a wide variety of tasks .
6 Each sub-unit is assumed to behave like an entropy spring and is expected to be large enough to realize a Gaussian distribution of segments ( i.e.> 50 carbon atoms ) .
7 The extra ribs had been added , giving an enormous rib-cage , topped by gigantic if flaccid breasts , powerful enough to suckle a whole brood of infant monsters .
8 It was difficult enough to find an appropriate way of treating Churchill 's funeral without having to cope with an actor who felt moved to speak about it on behalf of the youth of Britain .
9 The provision of homes small enough to provide a reasonable place of residence was , and still is , insufficient for all mentally handicapped people in mental handicap hospitals to leave them .
10 In the drowsy state there is very little coming in and yet the cortex is still relatively alert and demanding something to work on , although not alert enough to provide an effective inhibition of nonsense being offered by the senses .
11 This meant that some of his own sons were already adult when he succeeded at the age of 35 : his eldest son Lothar was nearly 20 — old enough to provide an alternative focus of loyalty for aspiring nobles .
12 Some of these early nautiloids occurred in such abundance that they are conspicuous enough to form an appreciable part of limestone formations — the ‘ Orthoceras Limestone ’ ( Ordovician ) is one of these , widely distributed through Scandinavia .
13 And this is unlikely to change — after all if the sales person knew enough to do a good job of giving advice they could easily start a new career as a consultant !
14 Once I know how fast my ‘ feeder is emptying , or have made it empty at the pace I require , I cast very frequently for the first twenty minutes or so — as fast as the emptying of the ‘ feeder will allow — and then slow down only just enough to keep a steady trickle of feed through the swim .
15 It looked and sounded great but rarely ran long enough to satisfy a wide variety of drivers .
16 The biographical sources for this period are neither detailed nor accurate enough to allow a close analysis of the degree to which the system had become elaborated in the first half of the sixteenth century , but the broader outlines may certainly be perceived and seem to confirm that something like the provisions of the Kanunname were operating by the early years of that century .
17 Although they might be observed by gamma-ray detectors on satellites or balloons , it would be difficult to fly a detector large enough to have a reasonable chance of intercepting a significant number of gamma-ray photons from one explosion .
18 The skeleton of all echinoderms except the sea cucumbers is a relatively strong assembly of calcite plates ; the animals are built from an interlocking mosaic of such plates , and mostly the skeletons are rigid enough to have a high chance of fossilization .
19 African states went to war with each other often enough to have a large number of captives to sell , and competition among the slave traders encouraged this and pushed them into searching aggressively for slaves among their neighbours or else finding themselves enslaved by their better-equipped rivals .
20 The largest of them , Greenpeace , has , in the space of two decades , enlisted 3.5 million members worldwide and become rich enough to maintain a small fleet of boats and a research station in Antarctica .
21 She was strong enough to take a certain amount of punishment if it meant that , in the end , Matthew would rid himself of that core of hatred which was slowly eating him away .
22 If it is hard enough to display a single frame of a complex image , it would be extremely difficult to create the sequence of rapidly changing frames on which the impression of natural movement depends .
23 They 're still young enough to rely wholly on you , but mobile enough to want a certain amount of independence .
24 As we shall see in later sections , HARPY made sure , by structuring the grammar in particular ways , that a narrow portion would occur soon enough to prevent a combinatorial explosion of hypotheses .
25 It is no longer enough to make a simple count of publications ; some attempt must be made to look at the informational content ( bibliographies ) , peer group assessment ( citations ) , and long-term value to the academic community ( review articles ) .
26 It is no longer enough to make a simple count of publications ; some attempt must be made to look at the informational content ( bibliographies ) , peer group assessment ( citations ) , and long-term value to the academic community ( review articles ) .
27 Khrushchev appeared in Paris long enough to make an angry denunciation of American policy and then withdrew , leaving an embarrassed Eisenhower to return home , empty-handed .
28 It would be less at the equator ( perhaps half a degree ) and more at the poles perhaps six degrees ; certainly enough to melt a great deal of polar ice .
29 Your new low-fat , low-sugar , low-salt , high-fibre way of eating should be enjoyable enough to become a permanent way of life and be a tremendous help in preventing you from regaining weight .
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