Example sentences of "father 's [noun] [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Robert had merely enlarged and refined his father 's scheme until it embraced a world .
2 Clothes were all very well , they were her father 's life and she knew that all the privileges she enjoyed were hers because of clothes and the stupendous success they had brought him , but she could n't care about them .
3 This was based on his father 's life and it did well enough to bring in five thousand pounds .
4 So after completing my National Service , I did all the things that everybody does when they 're trying to break into show business , urged on by my father 's insistence that I found employment of some sort — ‘ Get a job , any job , just get one !
5 ‘ No , I came across the letter that had been enclosed with the money when I was going through my father 's papers after he died .
6 She had always told him how proud she was of him , that he should work so hard to support his son in a far-off country and how one day she would tell Oreste it was due to his father 's efforts that he had been so well looked after .
7 The brother-in-law , the girl 's uncle , did not contest the father 's authority but he had had the girl 's company long enough for him to feel he could n't bear his house without her .
8 There had been tears in her father 's eyes as he 'd handed her the satin-lined box containing the jewels and Emily , taking it , had felt a constriction in her throat for , with the gift , her father was recognizing she was now a woman .
9 She remembered her father 's words after he 'd blamed Ace for his son 's death ; words she 'd never repeated to anybody .
10 They were her father 's words and she had never forgotten them .
11 He visited his father 's body where it lay in the abbey church of Fontrevault .
12 — I remember , & never shall forget , my father 's face as he looked upon me while I lay in the servant 's arms — so calm , and the tears stealing down his face : for I was the child of his old age .
13 She had a sudden vision of her father 's face if he found David Markham on his doorstep and the ensuing battle when he found out what his proposals were .
14 Her eyes came back to her father 's face and she drew a breath .
15 The smell of leather permeated the air and at once Emily was back in her father 's storehouse where he had kept mountains of skins ready to be cut and fashioned into boots and shoes .
16 Miss Honey went on , ‘ People brought stolen cars to your father 's workshop where he changed the number-plates and resprayed the bodies a different colour and all the rest of it .
17 But that was n't my father 's house until he got married .
18 Mrs Bradford had given her the complete day off for her father 's funeral and she did n't have to be back at the house in Newcastle Place until six o'clock .
19 There was something I did n't tell you at your father 's funeral because it seemed the wrong time , but two days after he died , I received a letter from him .
20 It was an arm 's length away and raising its head to hook at him with the horn that was already dark with his father 's blood when he discharged his second barrel .
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