Example sentences of "so [pers pn] [vb mod] have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Institute seems to be rather vaguely organized , as they still have n't been able to tell me what students I am teaching — my teaching , it turns out , does n't start until Monday , but I have heard that an abnormally large number of students have signed up for my course , so I shall have a lot of marking of papers to do at the end of four weeks .
2 ‘ You see , ’ he murmured , ‘ I wanted to believe it , so I could have an excuse to take what I wanted in a fury , instead of reaching out of my confusion and asking for what I wanted — ’
3 Mum I know Julia 's trying to find out I need n't go to school on Thursday so I can have a lie in
4 ‘ She comes in first thing , but steer clear until about nine o'clock so I can have a chance to explain things . ’
5 He cleared the summerhouse so she would have a studio , and gave her the only key .
6 The day after her accident we went to the swimming baths so she could have a shower .
7 I suck on your Mum 's boobs every night so she can have a baby .
8 Now , as soon as you have the five answers , and do remember that if you er , did n't hear any of the other ones , they will be repeated next week , so you 'll have a chance to write all the five answers down .
9 actually do it on this sheet , somewhere on there , so you 'll have a revision of
10 Listen , listen so you may have a right to defend at any cost which you think is privileged society the fact of the matter is people out there I received twenty seven letters in support against the fox hunting I did not receive a single letter asking me to support the fox hunting .
11 And they can talk to you and show you around , so you can have a look and see , at the way the calls come in and how they deal with them .
12 We 'll find , while he 's just finding that look there 's just one more item that 's erm a Christmas card from so I 'll pass that round so you can have a while we 're just trying to find .
13 Dinner 's about ten , I 'll boil up some water so you can have a shower . ’
14 Look , I 've brought you some things so you can have a cuppa on me .
15 Some manufacturers give a choice so you can have a bag without a zip , with a short length zip or with one which runs the full length of the bag .
16 You play against the computer which operates at a chosen skill level so you could have a chance of winning .
17 Players can be put in any position , so you could have a striker playing in goal !
18 okay , so we 'll have a look at that and , obtaining money , well
19 That 's right , so we 'll have a look at it shall we ?
20 Yes , so we can have a rest .
21 We had a brilliant time and it 's a pity you only get to do it once : Maybe we 'll split up and reform under a different name — so we can have a crack at it next year .
22 ‘ It does n't start until nine forty-five , so we can have a coffee before we leave . ’
23 Well could you take responsibility for actually sort of sitting down with me sometime so we can have a meeting to talk that through ?
24 She realised they 'd want her to be a double agent , so they 'd have a mole inside American Intelligence .
25 I felt as though they were picking on me , trying to cause trouble so they 'd have a reason for stopping me home leave .
26 Just so they can have a day off or something .
27 game so they can have an effect on the child so that the outcome is better if you just if you do n't get to them till there the child 's done the SATS and it 's over
28 The West Germans objected strongly but it was all smoothed over and so they will have a trio of Internazionale players — Matthaus , Klinsmann and Brehme — starting the World Cup on their home ground while Belgium , who at one stage were being threatened with Sicily , are at least promised the occasional cooling breeze in Verona .
29 The West Germans objected strongly but it was all smoothed over and so they will have a trio of Internazionale players — Matthaus , Klinsmann and Brehme — starting the World Cup on their home ground while Belgium , who at one stage were being threatened with Sicily , are at least promised the occasional cooling breeze in Verona .
30 Unfortunately , patients are likely to have learned from media coverage that light is somehow involved , so they will have a prejudice against other treatments .
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