Example sentences of "so [pron] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So someone took his keys but not his wallet .
2 I did not know what to say in reply , so I took his hands and held them beside my own , showing first the backs , then the palms , then measuring them one against the other , palm to palm — something the Japanese would often do in comparing their smaller , lighter hands with my grosser ones .
4 Then school started and I could n't wear pyamas to school so I wore my trousers and tops … when they saw them they ( the other wives ) said ‘ Oh ! that wo n't do !
5 I had the strong feeling of help having been given so I clasped my hands and said a prayer , half mentally , half vocally , of thanks to God .
6 Well , I do n't have anything on me , so she grabs my sunglasses and races away across the field .
7 She struggled to look over her shoulder at him , but her arms were tied too tightly for that so she lifted her shoulders and thrust her chin up , like someone attempting a headstand .
8 But it 's a little bit too long there , so you know them nails that are in you know the nails , they 're already in the window ?
9 Right so you touch its extremities and if you feel that its little feet are lovely and warm you know that it 's alright , okay ?
10 So we twiddle our thumbs until the Kilcharran arrives , ’ Hawkins said .
11 Luckily for us he was too overcome to offer us refreshment , so we said our farewells and got back into the jeep and drove off along the road leading to the village of Breville .
12 By evening the weather was better , but we did n't fancy another night in Porto , so we unpacked our bikes and cycled down through cool pine forests into the town for a well-earned rest .
13 On top was the Queen with Princess Anne in a pushchair and Paul McCartney as Dad , and here was one I had near the beginning about being in a space-ship — Brian and me were weightless and floating around , and what we had to do was to get some stability by getting hold of this firework , a sort of Catherine wheel that was going round and round and showering sparks in our faces , so we closed our eyes and a fire-fanged beast roared flames at us and burned a hole in the space-ship and I fell , still with my eyes tight shut , out into the bottomless black void .
14 We did not speak their language , of course , so we used our hands and faces to show that we were hungry .
15 We can not do what we want because guilt convinces us that those around us will be hurt , so we temper our lives and our actions to avoid that mythical hurt .
16 But soon he discovered that politicians were more interesting than colonels so he arranged his soldiers as though they were the House of Commons and made them harangue each other .
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