Example sentences of "so [pron] [verb] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So I imagine we can eliminate that possibility .
2 But once I 'd given them to him I never saw them again so I imagine he must have burnt them .
3 It is some time since we looked in any detail at the program and functions of the Singer 9000 machine , so I thought we would concentrate a little on some of the functions of programming , rather than on knitting .
4 ‘ I was coming this way , so I thought I would accompany Vern .
5 ‘ People have helped me in the past so I thought I would give them a help along the way , ’ he said .
6 The editor had kindly accepted an article I had written about West Indian gospel music , so I thought I would go to the head office and introduce myself .
7 I was startled for a moment , as one does not have ex-Prime Ministers calling on one every day , but this was very like S.B. , who began , ‘ You will never come to see me , so I thought I would come to see you . ’
8 So I thought I would come round a little early , in case you needed advice .
9 Then I tried it on the pasture , but that was a bit rough , so I thought I would ride it down the new road through the iron gate leading out of my land .
10 I 'm on a walking-tour with my cousin but she elected to do the art galleries in Penzance this morning , so I thought I would try to look up my old friend . ’
11 We put on a few and I knew I was finishing , so I thought I would try to go out with a bang by breaking the pavilion window in the Long Room .
12 So I thought I 'd strike while the iron was hot so to speak and we were just passing and so here we are . ’
13 Anything western was frowned upon , so I thought I 'd give it a bit of time before I got into my trousers and things .
14 He said hello , so I thought I 'd give him a try first .
15 ‘ The plant has been neglected for a few years so I thought I 'd give it some plant food and water and to my astonishment this was the result , ’ said Margaret .
16 Anyhow , my father 's just taken her to the doctor 's , so I thought I 'd give you a ring .
17 ‘ I did n't have a key to the boatyard , ’ I introduced myself , ‘ so I thought I 'd borrow Ellen 's .
18 I still had time to kill , so I thought I 'd make a couple of ‘ phone calls and that meant employing the Middleditch gambit .
19 So I thought I 'd stay with him , ’ said Fribble .
20 Looking around , I saw this man with a beard , who smelled nice and friendly , so I thought I 'd go and say ‘ hello ’ .
21 ‘ Well , I happened to be in the UK , ’ he said briskly , ‘ so I thought I 'd drop by and see how you were doing .
22 ‘ You 're unwilling to tell me who 's at the back of all this , so I thought I 'd keep a watch in case anyone turned up and solve the mystery myself . ’
23 I was starving so I thought I 'd come down to the kitchen .
24 ‘ No — it 's just Christmas — a family get-together , you know — it seems to take more out of me than it used to — so I thought I 'd come and have a quiet minute or two with you .
25 The way people talk over here is pure poetry and nobody is really using that in songs so I thought I 'd have a go . ’
26 I only had to hold the end of the string , while my friend went round the circle , so I thought I 'd have a rest , and so …
27 I have n't read any match report yet … so I thought I 'd have a go at a quick one & include a few comments about Rocky as well .
28 ‘ Well , I do n't have anything scheduled until this afternoon , so I thought I 'd try getting in to see Signor Silvio and see if I can pry my money free of his sticky grasp . ’
29 I wanted to see you again , but I was dashing all over Europe that week , and I did n't have time to chase you in person , so I thought I 'd say it with flowers .
30 Terry said yesterday : ‘ The doctor told me to get some fresh air , so I thought I 'd take the dog for a walk .
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