Example sentences of "so it [is] [adj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When vision is directed to an object immediately in front of the eyes , objects in the peripheral ( outer ) areas of the field of vision are not seen in sharp focus , so it is necessary to turn the head and direct the gaze on to these objects in order to see them clearly .
2 Here each film shows a different junction so it is necessary to use a new method of dividing the data .
3 Also the lower potencies are very limited by the physical molecular presence of the remedy so it is impossible to make a 30c if there is material presence as potencies above 12c have no molecules of the original substance left .
4 The number of books may vary as you slowly release the tension in the neck , so it is useful to recheck the number each month .
5 At this point you should elicit related forms ; for example , the plurals of nouns in Arabic are not predictable , so it is useful to elicit the plural of every new noun learnt and to add it to the dictionary entry for that word .
6 Individuality , and many of the complexities of human beings are reflected in their speaking , listening , reading and writing , so it is useful to consider the total process of communicating .
7 There is no such thing as an international patent , so it is essential to register a product under the laws of each country in which it will be sold .
8 An interview can last anything from fifteen minutes to a few hours , though normally one hour is considered long , so it is essential to maintain the informant 's interest and attention for the duration .
9 The body can not store vitamin C so it is essential to have a fresh supply every day .
10 Both optimism and pessimism are highly infectious so it is possible to affect the mood of an entire group — just as throwing a stone into the water causes ripples to spread far and wide .
11 Just as a stylesheet is set up for text so it is possible to create a basic colour palette using either the HLS ( Hue , Lightness , Saturation ) , CMYB ( Cyan , Magenta , Yellow , Black ) or RGB ( Red , Blue , Green ) models .
12 It is difficult to program naturally with such a restricted set of conditional jumps , so it is usual to provide the ability to jump on any of four accumulator conditions zero , non-zero , positive ( including zero ) , and negative — and perhaps on combinations of these conditions .
13 There are no strict rules about the use of these colours or the way in which they are worn , so it is usual to find a great deal of variation in clothing styles between regiments from the same place .
14 Freire 's experiment was cut short by a military coup , so it is difficult to judge the results .
15 Often only broken fragments of these inlays survive , and nothing of the item of furniture to which they were attached , so it is difficult to visualize the original effect or even the extent of the shell decoration .
16 The aphids are wingless so it is safe to take the shoot out of the cage and watch the aphids .
17 What happened in the relay at the European Championships bears an important relationship to some of the friction , argument and unpleasantness that occurred , mostly between Frank Dick and me , over the following two years , so it is important to record an unbiased , respected outsider 's view of what actually took place .
18 The credit terms and cost differ from company to company so it is important to compare the total amount you will pay .
19 Not many people have that kind of money , so it is important to take a long-term view of saving .
20 A well-adjusted , happy child is less likely to be physically ill ( see Chapter Eight ) so it is important to get the balance right .
21 Good ball action is the result of the ball making contact with the sand , so it is important to keep the fibre erect and the sand uniformly level .
22 The procedure for the two actions , though initially similar , is different , so it is important to observe the distinction .
23 There are many different shapes and sizes to choose from and most can be obtained in a choice of colours , so it is wise to obtain a selection of catalogues from specialists and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each type before making what will undoubtedly be a sizeable investment .
24 The House will understand that , although we prefer these matters to be resolved by competitive tendering , in this case we are effectively talking about a single supplier , so it is vital to get the contract right .
25 Of course , that increase may be due to the expansion of sales of primary products such as the boom in North Sea oil sales , so it is pertinent to consider the performance of manufacturing industry 's exports .
26 The purée keeps well in the refrigerator , so it is economical to make a batch and store it .
27 In general , exact zeros can not be transformed in this way ( the log of zero is undefined ) , so it is conventional to add a very small amount ( usually one-sixth or one-half ) to all the values in a batch containing zeros before transforming .
28 Velvet drapes beautifully , so it is acceptable to use a single mitred hem , which will lie flatter , particularly as it can not be pressed .
29 I had n't realised that Katabatic had beaten us six times so it 's nice to reverse the placings . ’
30 Make an arch out of copper tubing , which is bendable , so it 's easy to form the arched top from it .
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