Example sentences of "only [noun sg] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 It 's the only place you can get a bit of hokey-pokey , sizzling by day and guzzling by night , talk about dolce vita ! when you get your splints off come over for a week .
2 That was where I met and still meet the only person I 'd call a friend ; Jamie the dwarf , whom I let sit on my shoulders so he can see the bands .
3 The only layer it might put a hole through will be in your back pocket — it costs £45 .
4 LOZ was revelling more than most , and after the club closed he dragged sexy woolly hat-wearing NME hack SIMON WILLIAMS around the streets of Islington looking for a pot-bellied old man clutching a bottle of champagne as it was ‘ the only way we 'll get a drink at this time in the morning ’ .
5 The only way we can get a public enquiry into this site is if the land owner resists the actual purchase and the enquiry is into the compulsory purchase order .
6 The council told us the only way we could get a home was if we were living together .
7 ‘ The only way we will get a greater say is if there is a devolved Government in the province .
8 The only way you can start a business , is by starting it without insurance
9 They do n't need to , but , erm , I mean nine , ninety eight per cent of their sales is on sale of gas , so the only way you can make a name for yourself is getting involved in things other than gas , one , installing central heating or kitchen .
10 The only way you can place a cash bet is with a bookmaker on Saturday .
11 The only way you can have a reasonably fair assessment of weight loss if you are trying to lose weight is to weigh yourself once a week , on the same scales , at the same time of the day and preferably with no clothes on !
12 That 's the only way I would learn a tune , I could n't sight-read the
13 And that 's the only way I can see a way through this , thinking okay they 've got this ideology , they 've tried it twice and it still has n't worked .
14 It 's the only time I can get a break from my family .
15 because I used to have when I used to go around these for breakfast I 'd always have an orange juice and my cereal and then my fried breakfast it 's the only time I 'd eat a fried breakfast .
16 And the only time you would get a new pair was if the top part of the shoe
17 Occasionally , after refreshments — two would go in at two o'clock , two more at half past two , and so on — the only time you could have a natter with your colleague was when you left the station and you saw the sergeant going in for his refreshments .
18 That 's the only time you can view a property .
19 It is the only time you can tee a ball up where you like ( within the limits of the teeing area ) , and as high as you like .
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