Example sentences of "likely to [be] [adj] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Some fungi , bacteria and viruses are likely to be present in most ponds and aquaria , but that these do not cause problems until fish are injured or weakened in some way .
2 Your dog is likely to be nervous under these circumstances , being surrounded by people and loud , sometimes unexpected noises .
3 To what extent can it be the case that a decision-making process that is dominated by white , male , middle-aged and middle class civil servants is likely to be appropriate for all areas of social and economic policy ?
4 None of these hypotheses would seem to contradict what has been said about the management styles and organizational forms identified as likely to be appropriate in each quadrant of the uncertainty map .
5 Both methods rely upon users recalling their library behaviour patterns , and are therefore likely to be inaccurate to some degree .
6 Their reporting of speeches is likely to be inaccurate in many ways , sometimes embarrassingly so .
7 ALTHOUGH any couple can try , people who live together are more likely to be familiar with each other 's body odour .
8 up to a point I have been able to illustrate this theme by drawing attention to contrasts which are likely to be familiar to all my readers , e.g. the difference in modern Western societies between monetary and non-monetary exchanges .
9 Similar mechanisms are likely to be involved in all other multicellular plants in which hardening occurs .
10 We were working towards her rehabilitation ; at the time she was co-operative and relaxed , and there were no indications she was likely to be involved in that sort of incident . ’
11 Are the police likely to be involved in that ?
12 determine which sub-systems , programs etc. are likely to be involved in any change
13 The Peace of Paris left France and Spain ready to look for revenge , and Britain 's hasty departure from the war left Frederick feeling betrayed , so that Britain was quite likely to be involved in another war soon , and a war for which it would be hard to find allies .
14 Although it was not possible to evaluate the completeness of the sickness absence records directly , the records were used for pay purposes and were therefore likely to be complete for most participants .
15 This also favoured multi-employer bargaining arrangements because , since the workforces of geographically-concentrated industries are likely to be subject to less variation in local labour market pressures , it was possible to establish and more easily maintain a meaningful wage structure for district , or higher level , employer groupings ( Beaumont et al . ,
16 The diversity of factors and problems suggests that no single preventive measure is likely to be relevant to all patients , and that effective prevention will have to include different procedures at the various stages in the chain of events leading up to the suicide attempt .
17 These oolites are likely to be similar to those present in Rustenburg-l , where a thin unit of cross-bedded oolitic grainstones about 2 m in thickness , is present at the base of the platform sequence ( Fig. 28 ) .
18 But since the examination is testing what skills you have developed over time , the passage is likely to be similar in some way to passages which you have seen .
19 Any attempt to define a futures contract is likely to be unsatisfactory in some respect .
20 ( The diagram on the instruction leaflet is not very clear , however , so this is likely to be one of those times when you take quite a while to figure out how the confounded things fit together , and then feel a bit daft when you realise how easy it is . )
21 ( The diagram on the instruction leaflet is not very clear , however , so this is likely to be one of those times when you take quite a while to figure out how the confounded things fit together , and then feel a bit daft when you realise how easy it is . )
22 I nodded and did n't tell him that , apart from my school days , my working French had been learned in stables , not kitchens , and was likely to be rusty in any case .
23 A rise in average temperature of around 0.5 degrees centigrade — as predicted in current climate models — could result in the hay fever season lasting from March until September by the year 2050 , when southern Britain 's climate is likely to be akin to that prevailing presently in south-west France .
24 To make matters worse , there is no evidence that lack of spending by social services is compensated for by increased NHS spending , or vice versa ; indeed , the financial allocation seems just as likely to be low from both authorities , as it has been , for example , in the London Borough of Lambeth , or very good in both authorities , as traditionally has been the case in Newcastle .
25 These spatial notions are likely to be useful in many different problem domains .
26 What is most likely to be useful in such material is the chance that inferences can be drawn by the reader , seeing a similarity in a problem elsewhere with a question in the visual arts .
27 No case is likely to be identical in all respects with another .
28 Such issues are likely to be important in any primary school , anywhere .
29 This can draw on the kind of research we have described in earlier Lectures , although it is likely to be easier in some areas than in others .
30 You learn too , which swims are more likely to be productive at any particular time .
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