Example sentences of "likely to [be] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , the range of prizes is bigger in entrepreneurial activity but they are less likely to be repeated across generations .
2 A similar situation is very likely to be repeated in years to come .
3 For example , the concentration of crime in the lower social class , which was the starting point for all the main sociological theories , could be explained simply by the fact that members of the lower social class were more likely to be selected for labelling .
4 The closing date for applications has just passed and an appointment is likely to be made on June 23 .
5 The planning authority has to assess the amount of land required for mineral working , and this requires an assessment of the future demand likely to be made on production in its area .
6 The public launch of the appeal is not likely to be made before September .
7 Speeches after the ceremony ( although best man/ bride 's father not essential ; speeches more likely to be made by bride and groom themselves — they 're old enough , after all ) .
8 A subject as vulnerable within the curriculum as art education needs to be seen by pupils , teachers , headteachers and administrators to be functioning in a healthy state and that judgment is likely to be made in terms derived from educational theory and include the results of assessment procedures and examination performance whether art teachers consent or not .
9 Security can also be a problem here , so try to park in highly visible places which are less likely to be jammed by visitors ' cars just as you want to get home .
10 Furthermore , Asians were more likely to be victimised by strangers , 27 per cent of the incidents involving groups of four or more offenders unknown to them .
11 The entire food chain in the seas off part of Australia 's eastern coasts is likely to be contaminated by toxins , according to Cor Lenghaus , a researcher from Hamilton Regional Veterinary Laboratory in Victoria .
12 It is sensible to treat all raw meat and poultry with extreme care as it must be assumed that it is likely to be contaminated by food poisoning germs .
13 A radical lesbian whose main concerns are CND and South Africa is as likely to be placed in terms of education and occupation ( e.g. teaching or social work ) , as the home-loving , conservative , television absorbed , do-it-yourself enthusiast might represent the aspiring white collar working class .
14 Both the sample and the responders are likely to be biased in favour of those of higher social and educational status .
15 Although John 's percentage cut depended on the total amount collected , it was known that he never harassed tax debtors , indeed , anyone with genuine difficulty in paying was likely to be entertained to lunch at Henrietta Villa by the sympathetic Comptroller .
16 The academy is responsible for issuing funding for postgraduate work in humanities , and their proposal is very likely to be implemented by Whitehall .
17 All carers whatever their titles or financial status are likely to be engaged in tasks of tending with vulnerable elderly people .
18 Children — Care proceedings — Threshold conditions — Child in voluntary care placed with foster parents — Child previously at risk with mother — Local authority seeking care order — Whether condition that child ‘ is suffering ’ significant harm satisfied — Whether harm attributable to care given or likely to be given to child if order not made — Children Act 1989 ( c. 41 ) , s. 31(2)
19 Instruction was more likely to be given in units where there was also a high level of ‘ publicity ’ generating activity .
20 A report prepared by the Australian Institute of Criminology published on Oct. 23 , 1989 , showed that an Aboriginal was 28 times more likely to be sent to prison than a white person .
21 An aspirant to membership of the developed club is likely to be accommodating about rainforests , the welfare of Amazonian Indians , the ozone layer and a climate convention .
22 Students who had studied IT at a polytechnic were rather less likely to be In employment or to be continuing their studies than their university peers , and more likely to be looking for employment ( Table 4.2 ) .
23 However , new academic journals are regularly launched , devoted to one or other of the many specialisms into which English is fragmenting , and in their earlier issues , at least , are likely to be looking for contributions .
24 After a meal , when you take the puppy outside , try the scenting preparation again , although its possible effects are likely to be diluted by rain .
25 It is the escalation of the profiling movement from a diverse and essentially idiosyncratic set of initiatives into a development that looks likely to be rationalized in terms of National Criteria in a very similar way to that imposed on the GCSE itself which makes most problematic the relationship between the two initiatives .
26 During the course of their conversation , to which Julia listened with only half her attention as she sipped her brandy , she learned that Jackson French was likely to be posted to London to play a part in the winding up of UNRRA later in the year and that Comfort herself was due to leave Venice in two days ' time ‘ now that Julia is getting well again' .
27 While the tests are not identical , both challenge the preservative system with the following organisms : together with organisms to which the product is likely to be exposed during manufacture and use .
28 In addition , the fact that women are less mobile than men and more confined to the home means that they are less likely to be exposed to situations which lack effective informal social controls .
29 It is not known exactly where the birds end up , although some of them are likely to be eaten as game by African farmers .
30 Several studies have shown that crabs in shells which were too small for them were much more likely to be eaten by predators .
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