Example sentences of "understand [Wh det] be going on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet , unfortunately this positive role so often gets lost in the way we have described earlier , with people just not understanding what is going on around them at a time when it could provide them with so much support .
2 As participants , we often do not understand what is going on in the interchange , so caught up are we with our own agendas .
3 The first is to provide simple descriptions of complex data so that we can understand what is going on in our experiments .
4 Once these kinds of needs are satisfied , the theory suggests that individual motivations will be shaped by behaviour that is associated with : The need to gain self-esteem in the eyes of other people , for instance through the possession of prestigious objects , taking expensive holidays , making donations to charity , etc. * the need to know and understand what is going on around them .
5 It is my belief that anorexic speech ( or , more literally , behaviour ) consists of two quite separate and often contradictory texts , and that it is only by studying them both , in order to fit them together and so come up with an amended text , that we can understand what is going on inside the anorexic herself .
6 So you can still understand what 's going on with these .
7 And she did n't understand what was going on inside his head , which she found disturbing .
8 Thus , for example , in order to understand what is going on at the local outside-level on Lewis , it is necessary to examine the structure of the oil industry as a whole .
9 We shall now see that in order to account for changes in the modern world this evolutionary background of the ego and superego is by no means irrelevant ; on the contrary , we must take it very seriously if we are to be able to understand what is going on around us .
10 To understand what is going on in physiological psychology one needs to know what these assumptions are .
11 The reasons for this appear to be ( a ) what the students perceive as cashable cheques in the job market and ( b ) a genuine intellectual concern to understand what is going on in their society .
12 The industrial paradigm has been based on the idea that the purpose of life is the satisfaction of our physical needs ( including our intellectual need to understand what is going on in the physical universe ) .
13 ‘ Few human geographers seem willing to come out of their national shells and take the wider view which would enable them to understand what is going on within their own countries ’ ( Thrift , 1986 , 62 ) .
14 They are just a part of trying to understand what 's going on inside me as Christmas draws near .
15 But in a way the nineteenth century was the century of history , because it was erm thought at that particular period of time that in order to understand what was going on in contemporary life , you had to have some historical appreciation , knowledge and perspective , and erm a great deal of the explanation of other subjects in the nineteenth century was , erm if you like , historical in character .
16 What , what I would always hope though , is that they might go for some help , because even if they decide to separate , and er get support while they 're doing so , they may be able to understand what was going on in the relationship , what they were looking for in each other .
17 I had to interrupt her flow of catastrophes to suggest that we try to understand what was going on beneath the surface .
18 They understand what is going on in ways that make sense to them and , if we want to understand their behaviour , and perhaps to explain it , we have to start from where they are .
19 Most mathematicians understand what is going on inside the heads of most of their colleagues .
20 It recommended doing away with juries in complicated fraud cases and using a special tribunal of a judge and a couple of chaps who understand what 's going on in court .
21 Miguel looked up at her suddenly , caught her staring , and hesitated in what he was saying , as though he understood what was going on in her mind .
22 No one understood what was going on inside Ramanujan 's .
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