Example sentences of "kind [prep] [noun] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Once it was accepted that this kind of question could be raised , the way was open to the conclusion that the Bible should simply be treated as a collection of ancient religious literature with no special claims to be heard or accepted except where it happened to express some general religious ‘ principle ’ that could be recognised as universally valid — the kernel within the husk .
2 As a result no kind of jade can be worked by cutting , flaking or pecking .
3 Redlands has sold around fifty disused sites around the country for similar schemes in the last decade and insists they would take local people 's needs into account in deciding what kind of houses would be built .
4 That kind of thoroughness can be given in service to Jesus .
5 No full account of a particular formation or kind of formation can be given without extending description and analysis into general history , where the whole social order and all its classes and formations can be taken properly into account .
6 With several separate aquaria , each kind of animal can be given the type of food it needs , and animals that feed on other animals can be kept apart .
7 After these preliminary remarks , we will now set out the main methods of accompaniment structure , bearing in mind that frequently one kind of structure may be fused with another , that colour factors may be combined with movement elements , etc .
8 There is , for instance , the problem of what kind of heart would be needed to propel a large body , and the question would arise as to whether , in the case of very tall animals , a higher blood pressure would be required , with commensurately tougher blood vessels , in order to pump blood from the heart to the brain .
9 If the right kind of Masai could be persuaded to act as government headmen , C.E.V. Buxton said , ‘ the ideal of indirect rule could be achieved ’ .
10 It is surprising how long this kind of grudge can be remembered , perhaps because the occasion is inextricably mixed with feelings of loss and deprivation caused by the parent 's death .
11 Well , people who stake their opposition to factory-farming on this kind of consideration should be prepared for a long , heated debate , with one set of ‘ experts ’ declaring that thus-and-so is true , while another declares that it is not .
12 We still await proper studies of these terms , but one kind of approach will be sketched in the next Chapter under the rubric of conventional implicature , another will be indicated in Chapter 6 in discussion of the conversational uses of well ( see Owen , 1981 ) , and a third may be found in Smith & Wilson ( 1979 : 180 ) , elaborated in Brockway ( 1981 ) .
13 If this is the case in Australia what kind of controls can be expected in the impoverished Philippines ?
14 I am not suggesting for a moment that this kind of problem can be resolved merely by putting more resources in , but at the same time there is need to spend more money , perhaps .
15 So what kind of help can be given that will not kill what Margaret Meek calls ‘ the magic ’ stone dead ?
16 If it was n't that we had to develop from an egg in every generation , I do n't think that kind of conservatism would be observed .
17 Our medieval law of guardianship was concerned mainly with infants who were heirs of land ; and though the ‘ guardian in socage ’ — the nearest relation of the infant to whom the infant 's land can not descend — has not been abolished , the practice of settlement and of appointing trustees in whom the land , or at least powers over it , are vested , renders rare the occasions on which the very limited powers of such or any kind of guardians can be exercised over an infant 's land .
18 1990 ) sets out to give detailed help to the teacher on how this kind of work can be begun in schools .
19 This kind of work can be achieved with someone who is mentally impaired by using skills that build trust , and trying to understand the meaning of the experience in the light of the person 's past history .
20 This kind of operation can be found in mail-order businesses , and in cash-and-carry outlets .
21 What kind of clothes should be worn .
22 This kind of activity could be called the micro-politics of race , though in practice , as where we align ourselves with the struggles of our brothers and sisters in South Africa , it is more likely to prove the micro-politics of race 's overcoming .
23 But a fourth kind of intelligence might be added , which is diplomatic intelligence , which bears not the remotest relationship to any of the other three , nor to any kind of intelligence that can be identified by any human being .
24 The fact that a very similar kind of furniture can be bought in an enormous variety of different places , there 's not this same idea that ‘ Oh , I would n't ever go in that sort of shop to buy it because it 's not a place for my sort of person ’ .
25 It is not possible to say in the abstract what kind of decisions would be taken at these different levels , or at least not with any precision , since this would depend on the character of the economic relations between the general office of the enterprise and its operating units , and between the operating units themselves , quite apart from the particular forms of struggle at local and national level which would be required to implement any such scheme .
26 This revolutionary conclusion , which is perhaps the most important for the general reader of The Origin , is one easily supported by modern anthropologists although they might disagree with him about what exactly will happen when the change comes or even whether this kind of change can be predicted .
27 Nor does he specify what kind of effects might be achieved by a reformulation or explain how it achieves those effects .
28 However , it thinks some kind of contact will be forged over time and expects a port to the company 's DRS6000 Unix box to materialise in the not too distant future .
29 To be fair , this kind of criticism can be levelled at just about every new machine , regardless of price .
30 I do not know what kind of verdict would be passed on the school if it were judged by modern educational standards .
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