Example sentences of "appear to be [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The principal sources of natural oxides of nitrogen appear to be chemical decomposition of nitrates and lightning .
2 Fragments of Norman mouldings in the tower walls appear to be re-used material from an earlier building .
3 There is no other forward movement , nor does there appear to be amy prospect for the future . ’
4 Whether we regard state policies towards small firms as rhetorical gestures or as genuine attempts to protect their existence , there does appear to be renewed interest in preserving a differentiated industrial structure .
5 With the population due to stabilise at merely twice the current numbers , there would appear to be little cause for concern on a global level .
6 However there does not appear to be large over-capacity in the government bond market to the extent believed to exist in the equity market .
7 The obvious basis for a theory would appear to be direct observation of actual children .
8 The cause appears to be renewed formation of intermediate water in the Labrador Sea from cooler and fresher source waters , and the spreading of this water mass from the west .
9 There always appears to be great competition for food on these waters and very often it is just a case of the more successful angler reducing the odds against catching the larger fish .
10 It is interesting to note that there appears to be great resistance to acknowledging the full impact of secularism on schools .
11 The long list of grams tended to allow candidate strings that an average reader would not accept as real words , so there appears to be good evidence for restricting the dictionary .
12 At first glance there appears to be substantial equality in the income maintenance payments made to men and women , in that the same rates apply to both , and there are no rules debarring women from access to benefits just because they are women .
13 But there appears to be little sense of common purpose .
14 Despite the fact that the Criminal Law Revision Committee and the Policy Advisory Committee have recently considered the question of homosexuality , there appears to be little possibility of change in the conditions of lawful homosexual conduct .
15 In plant production there appears to be little concern over the techniques involved in breeding new varieties , except possibly in relation to breeding for herbicide resistance .
16 Although there appears to be little synergy between Unit 's existing business and engineering , the group believes it can introduce better management systems in the target company .
17 As far as balance between national and regional reporting is concerned , there appears to be little cause for complaint .
18 … There appears to be considerable uncertainty about its effects and in particular , about the approach to formula funding adopted by the Government which is thought to threaten job security in schools with high staff costs … the present uncertainties are hardly helping morale in the schools and we hope that the Government at national level and LEAs and headteachers at local .
19 Although there is some coverage of what appears to be routine violence on estates up and down the country — for example , on Today and This Week recently — this is one area we all under — report .
20 Recognising there appeared to be substantial support for this move he approached Robert Naish privately with a view to easing the inevitable changeover .
21 Among younger officers , who were more distanced from the original " New Order " thinking of the 1960s , there appeared to be increasing interest in the concept of " integralism " , which urged that the administration be drawn from the broadest possible social range .
22 Queen Elizabeth I , her penchant for black servants and entertainers notwithstanding , took the opportunity to ‘ scapegoat ’ the black communities , and attempted to expel them without compunction when there appeared to be political advantage in doing so for managing her economic difficulties .
23 There appeared to be growing agreement on the idea of ‘ personal cultural autonomy ’ .
24 There was lengthy speculation that Honda might take an equity stake ( ie a shareholding ) in Rover , but there appeared to be little enthusiasm for that from Honda .
25 From the ‘ street level bureaucracy ’ standpoint there appeared to be little sense in the new arrangements and they were frequently viewed as the product of political pragmatism rather than administrative reasoning .
26 For the private sector Challis and Bartlett ( 1986 ) observed that about 60 per cent of admissions were the result of a crisis/emergency and again there appeared to be little choice of the actual home .
27 Lady Mary Bell of East Rounton , near Northallerton , one of the organisers of the Revolt pressure group , said there appeared to be little co-ordination between the departments of energy and transport .
28 Little detail was available on the needs of individual republics , and there appeared to be little co-ordination in the demands .
29 With regard to how the information appeared in practice , there appeared to be little potential for improvement , except where information or data was subject to routine processing .
30 There appeared to be little difference between broad subject areas in the propensity of research students to be in or waiting to enter arranged employment .
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