Example sentences of "appear to [be] in [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And , if that was n't enough , even while I 'm realising what an idiot I 'm being to grow so infuriated that you and Lubor Ondrus appear to be in each other 's pockets , you , who have no fear whatsoever of my dog — indeed have that day taken him walking — now seem to be taking him over too !
2 Connected speech processes ( CSP ) are phenomena such as the deletions and assimilations characteristic of allegro speech , which appear to be in some way phonetically motivated rather than linguistically arbitrary variation .
3 You appear to be in some sort of surreal shopping mall , with the world 's TV laid out for purchase : you almost feel like you should have a shopping trolley , to wheel up and down the aisles .
4 ‘ We appear to be in some sort of glass box , ’ said the Thing .
5 Beethoven 's Fifth Symphony — neither do they appear to be in any way neurotic .
6 She does n't appear to be in any pain , and she seems quite happy and healthy .
7 When this is no longer so , the fact of a male priesthood makes God appear to be in some way peculiarly male , such that He needs a male priesthood to represent Him .
8 Although President George Bush won the primary , his margin of victory over right-wing challenger Patrick Buchanan was unconvincing , and by the end of the month the Bush campaign appeared to be in some disarray .
9 His brain , never an overactive organ even on those rare moments when it was n't pickled in alcohol , grappled with the fact that he appeared to be in some sort of tent before triumphantly reaching the conclusion that he was at a party .
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