Example sentences of "appear to [be] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hence , even though line-printer mapping systems might at first sight appear to be of little value in comparison with plotter-based systems , there are instances when it is convenient or cost-effective to make use of them .
2 Other possible configurations , which will not , however , be discussed here at any length , are doublets ( exemplified by pairs of opposites — see chapters 9 , 10 and 11 ) , and clusters , which are groupings of lexical items characterised by a lack of structure ( some groups of synonyms appear to be of this nature — see chapter 12 ) .
3 With so much vigilance about , it is surprising how human and mature the working classes appear to be in many novels .
4 ‘ And , if that was n't enough , even while I 'm realising what an idiot I 'm being to grow so infuriated that you and Lubor Ondrus appear to be in each other 's pockets , you , who have no fear whatsoever of my dog — indeed have that day taken him walking — now seem to be taking him over too !
5 Connected speech processes ( CSP ) are phenomena such as the deletions and assimilations characteristic of allegro speech , which appear to be in some way phonetically motivated rather than linguistically arbitrary variation .
6 You appear to be in some sort of surreal shopping mall , with the world 's TV laid out for purchase : you almost feel like you should have a shopping trolley , to wheel up and down the aisles .
7 ‘ We appear to be in some sort of glass box , ’ said the Thing .
8 The answer would appear to be with less determination than Labour and with fewer changes in policy .
9 Beethoven 's Fifth Symphony — neither do they appear to be in any way neurotic .
10 She does n't appear to be in any pain , and she seems quite happy and healthy .
11 When this is no longer so , the fact of a male priesthood makes God appear to be in some way peculiarly male , such that He needs a male priesthood to represent Him .
12 and Miller does not appear to be against this type of revenge .
13 This means that information about food obtained by following others was most available to a given individual when it appears to be of least importance .
14 What appears to be of more significance for the role of keiretsu in Japan 's economic growth is their objective of diversifying their interests in the widest possible range of activities throughout manufacturing industry , construction , finance and the service sector .
15 In the Snowdonia National Park this latter consideration frequently appears to be of more importance than any other to the NP Committee when more controversial schemes are examined , in spite of a NPA having no statutory responsibilities for such policies .
16 Emerson revealed that both those who continued working and those who retired ‘ appeared to be to some extent affected by rather garbled information concerning retirement impact ’ ( Emerson 1959 ) .
17 Although President George Bush won the primary , his margin of victory over right-wing challenger Patrick Buchanan was unconvincing , and by the end of the month the Bush campaign appeared to be in some disarray .
18 His brain , never an overactive organ even on those rare moments when it was n't pickled in alcohol , grappled with the fact that he appeared to be in some sort of tent before triumphantly reaching the conclusion that he was at a party .
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