Example sentences of "appear to [be] more [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The results of the study of early Anglo-Saxon pottery have yet hardly come near the commercially based model envisaged by Myres , with specialists producing for a consumer market ; social explanations appear to be more appropriate for similarities between vessels , and their movement .
2 ‘ Traditional Catholic principles , once an obstacle to change in emerging capitalist economies , when they were identified with corporatist ideologies , now appear to be more compatible with various socialist models of development . ’
3 Goats appear to be more susceptible to infection than sheep and are thought to play a prominent role in the dissemination of infection where both are grazed together .
4 Small group methods such as seminars or demonstrations appear to be more suitable for teaching about online IR .
5 It seems likely that they will make little impact , one reason being that they appear to be more concerned with targeting existing jobs rather than creating genuinely new ones .
6 Geographers have studied the recent adaptations of local industries , such as Manchester clothing ( Gibbs , 1987 ) , but these appear to be more concerned with the survival of firms , with the same or a smaller workforce , than to do with major ‘ re-industrialization ’ .
7 Peptic ulcers appear to be more prevalent in industrialised nations .
8 This difference of perspective and lack of immediate concern with definitions of power and with empiricist rigour result in research methods which may appear to be more approximate in their conclusions than are the pluralists , at least as far as the distribution of power is concerned .
9 Undoubtedly it would appear to be more sensible in the longer term for cattle numbers to be limited to those which can be sustained on the winter fodder production capabilities of the farms so as to eliminate fodder purchases .
10 God is something which is always available , however much people in some ages , or some people in each age , may appear to be more aware of God .
11 Although moods are likely to be important in driving , subjective risk as defined in the previous chapter appears to be more similar to concepts such as emotional stress or arousal as they are used in the memory literature .
12 If , on the other hand you are married to a man who , on the surface at least , appears to be more attentive to his mother 's needs than to yours , try not to become upset and regard her as a threat or a rival , and avoid jumping to the conclusion that your marriage is a failure and that you are unloved .
13 Although its circulation is about 350,000 , it appears to be more successful in finding the gap in the market which will ensure its continued survival .
14 The use of the modular approach initially brings the very real advantage that it appears to be more acceptable to users and provides greater insight for the designer of the design problem .
15 THE Labour Party appears to be more concerned about industry than the Conservatives .
16 Empowerment on the shop floor appears to be more widespread in Japanese enterprises than it does in the bureaucratically conceived Fordist structures of Western modernity .
17 Compared to 1983 , let alone 1979 , Labour appears to be more aware of a changed electorate , one which is not largely poor , unemployed , in trade unions , working in heavy manufacturing , or living in council houses .
18 Mr Leigh-Pemberton , who caused Opposition furore for his forecast the economy was recovering in September 1991 , appeared to be more confident of his ground .
19 They appeared to be more aware of the misery and realities of war than might otherwise have been expected .
20 In this context it was interesting to observe that the school which imposed a more summative , norm-referenced , approach to assessment on its staff , was also the one in which the least amount of innovation appeared to be taking place in this area , whereas the school with the most formative approach to assessment and reporting appeared to be more open to new ideas and methods .
21 Kelly noticed that , while the trainer and his wife were looking proudly at their horse , the stranger appeared to be more interested in her .
22 Churchill distrusted Stalin but Roosevelt was much mole trusting , and he appeared to be more concerned about British Imperialism .
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