Example sentences of "appear [prep] [be] [adv] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Note that although some of the correlations calculated for this study appear to be markedly different to those observed in the Groeger and Chapman study , the difference between correlations only reaches significance in the case of the correlation between risk and normality ( z=2.64 , p<0.01 ) .
2 Law and Gilbert ( 1986 ) have made a survey of saltmarsh in the Western Isles , and their community definitions appear to be closely similar to those of the NVC .
3 Attitudes appear to be somewhat unfavourable to ‘ welfare state ’ provision ; Newby ( 1979 ) suggests that influential local interests ( farmers and landowners ) have been keen to minimize local council house building in order to keep down rates — and through key positions on councils have been able to realize this objective .
4 Investments that appear to be too good to be true often are .
5 If Les Negresses Vertes tend to jostle on the stage like animals being herded down a narrow street , it is partly because there are so many of them ( 11 , when all the strays are rounded up ) , but also because , even as the show begins , several key members appear to be too drunk to be capable of motion in a straight line .
6 Goats appear to be more susceptible to infection than sheep and are thought to play a prominent role in the dissemination of infection where both are grazed together .
7 Meadow 's ( 1980 ) review is more positive in separating the linguistic academic achievement from cognitive achievement ; in the latter , deaf children appear to be very similar to their hearing peers .
8 ‘ This is difficult to prove , and most archaeologists appear to be totally blind to the advantages that can be accorded to them through the effective and proper use of the metal detector ’ .
9 Outsiders in the communities appear to be less opposed to the mining than ‘ real local feeling ’ .
10 Immunocompromised individuals , notably those with hypogammaglobulinaemia and human immunodeficiency virus infection appear to be highly susceptible to the disease .
11 From scanning the ‘ Whole INTERNET Catalogue ’ , the following available subject categories would appear to be highly relevant to our activities : Agriculture , Biology , Computing , Environment , Forestry , Geography , Geology , Libraries , Molecular Biology , Weather .
12 Similarly , the explosion in the population of sentenced prisoners , which was an ongoing phenomenon for most of the 1990s , appears to be largely attributable to the persistent practice of ‘ over-sentencing ’ — both in the sense of using custody unnecessarily for minor property offenders and others , and of imposing longer sentences across the board than is required for strictly reductivist purposes — for which responsibility rests mainly , but not exclusively , with the Crown Court .
13 This appears to be very close to the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur .
14 Although moods are likely to be important in driving , subjective risk as defined in the previous chapter appears to be more similar to concepts such as emotional stress or arousal as they are used in the memory literature .
15 If , on the other hand you are married to a man who , on the surface at least , appears to be more attentive to his mother 's needs than to yours , try not to become upset and regard her as a threat or a rival , and avoid jumping to the conclusion that your marriage is a failure and that you are unloved .
16 The use of the modular approach initially brings the very real advantage that it appears to be more acceptable to users and provides greater insight for the designer of the design problem .
17 It appears to be quite unresponsive to the caucuses of the two parties , be they Republican or Democratic .
18 Importantly , the tariff-equivalent quota appears to be relatively sensitive to the value of δ .
19 Though the Court of Appeal is also a court of supervision , it appears to be too busy to be able to devote as much time and thought as is needed to such cases .
20 Subjects ’ estimates of risk appeared to be broadly sensitive to differences in the actual accident statistics at the range of junctions encountered .
21 Bush had emphasized heavily throughout the campaign the issues of trust and character , and this latest revelation appeared to be particularly damaging to him ; opinion poll evidence suggested that , at the end of October , Clinton was once again opening up a lead .
22 In this context it was interesting to observe that the school which imposed a more summative , norm-referenced , approach to assessment on its staff , was also the one in which the least amount of innovation appeared to be taking place in this area , whereas the school with the most formative approach to assessment and reporting appeared to be more open to new ideas and methods .
23 Someone mentioned the 51st Highland Division and the part of the Front they were dug in , which appeared to be fairly close to our area , probably about seven or eight miles from here .
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