Example sentences of "almost [prep] if [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The alternative to this has amounted to a reaffirmation of historicism almost as if nothing had happened .
2 We are left talking to each other almost as if we had met before .
3 I 'm sorry to say but I think that we 're talking about this education day at the beginning of October and I mean god knows we 've known this is coming for , it 's almost as if we 've got to the brink of , you know like lemmings just about to throw ourselves off the cliff and we do n't know why we 're going to do it .
4 It is almost as if someone has allowed subsidiarity in through the back door of the Town Hall , but not announced its arrival to anyone .
5 She could not refuse him , accordingly , and did not ; but more and more it was almost as if she had given in to Mr Poole 's demands ; one man was much like another .
6 It was almost as if she had forgotten how to .
7 Robbie shivered suddenly , almost as if she had encountered the aura of one of these sad ghosts .
8 When he spoke , it was almost as if she had put the words in his mouth .
9 ’ I still have my doubts , ’ she said , almost as if she 'd heard my thought .
10 And then , almost as if he had received some secret signal , he gave a slight nod of his head , grinning sardonically down at her for a moment before rolling off her body and gathering one of the twins up in his arms .
11 ‘ Lucky for him you came along , ’ he said , almost as if he had recognised the implication , too , and was making a token apology for it .
12 She was shaking as she lurched back , almost as if he had thrust her away from him .
13 It was almost as if he had said — ‘ This man is a bit groggy ; let's dispose of him ! ’ that is how it appeared tome at the time , too .
14 Almost as if he had willed himself there , he found himself standing on the scree at the foot of the rock wall , staring upwards , searching with the little experience he had gained on school climbing expeditions for footholds .
15 It was almost as if he had spent three weeks thinking over what he had been doing and worked it all out .
16 It was almost as if he had found his raison d'être because beforehand he had shown little motivation to find conventional employment .
17 It was almost as if he had chosen this quiet tunnel in a relatively quiet station so that he could sing to himself undisturbed , carry on singing without having to admit to himself that this was a hopeless task , that he was n't going to get anything .
18 ‘ Join us , ’ she whispered , and then two things happened ; there was a sharp pain , almost as if he 'd swallowed broken glass , as she started to take her hand away , and in that same moment the generator missed another beat and caused the lights to drop for barely a fraction of a second .
19 It was almost as if he 'd reached out to clasp her hand in his plea for help , and she knew she 'd wanted to give him a lift .
20 It was almost as if he 'd stopped seeing Dad at all .
21 It was almost as if he 'd vanished into thin air .
22 He turned to look at her , almost as if he 'd forgotten she was there .
23 It is almost as if he has acquired something of John 's own tempestuous wrath , John 's own dire , apocalyptic menace , John 's own threatening ultimata .
24 It had appeared , it would move on , but for this moment it was there for her — almost as if it had waited for her to be alone .
25 It was almost as if I had received a blow to the heart .
26 I gave her the number and hung up feeling baulked of my escape , almost as if I 'd expected that the thing could be done now , tonight .
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