Example sentences of "stand between [pers pn] and [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , Unix System Labs and Novell Inc are believed to be antagonistic and resentful of UI if for no other reason than it stands between them and their OEM customers .
2 MacLachlan successfully obtained through Milton 's aid a delay in a foreclosure by the Royal Bank , and the freeholder hoped to persuade the politician to continue to stand between him and his creditors because of the value of his vote to the Argyll interest , arguing that
3 Those to whom he referred were unlikely to believe that Mosley would stand between them and their destruction .
4 The would-be seducer of the Fifties had to reckon with an armoury of uncooperative underwear which stood between him and his objective .
5 He threw her to the ground when she stood between him and his computer terminal one morning at 3am .
6 She could n't bear the rift that had come between her and the aunt who had always understood and helped her ; who had so many times stood between her and her mother as faithful friend wanting the best for them both and who was now so alienated from her .
7 Nothing stood between you and your fellows in the community .
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