Example sentences of "happen to be [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some do it because they want to belong to a group where sniffing happens to be part of the group 's activities .
2 He 's a good-looking man , and the smile just happens to be part of the job .
3 ‘ I happen to be chairman of the medical panel . ’
4 I felt honoured by the kindness of one or two of your congregation , who happen to be members of the committee , in having written to assure me that I would receive a speedy and unanimous Call , if I would only consent to accept it .
5 The introduction he now regards as ‘ inevitable ’ came in 1965 when a friend — who happened to be chairman of the RSPCA 's Leeds branch — asked him if he liked animals .
6 The decision by the Whig House of Commons to overturn the election of Samuel Swift in February 1694 to serve as MP for Worcester in favour of the man he had defeated , who happened to be brother-in-law to the Junto chief , Lord Somers , provoked demonstrations in the city , with crowds shouting " A Cheat , A Cheat , A Presbiterian Cheat .
7 That 's not too bad actually except the day the young men loaded it back onto the trailer when we 'd finished and it was one of these corners , and I happened to be muggins on the corner where that lever was , and he had n't tied it , it was only in the ratchet , you know , he should have tied it of course .
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