Example sentences of "allow [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The figure that many companies disclose allows trends over time to be identified but does little to provide a more detailed appreciation of its commitment to investing for the future . ’
2 The free-running ratchet mechanism allow changes of direction to be made with finger and thumb , without releasing the handle .
3 On the contrary , many followed Malthus in believing that availability of food would always tend to limit population growth , and that the ‘ iron law of wages ’ would prevent the poor from achieving a standard of living allowing diseases of malnutrition to be banished .
4 In considering these results the NAC decided to allow resolutions on disaffiliation to be considered at the Easter Conference , but declined to make any recommendation on the issue by seven votes to five .
5 Computer-controlled resistivity systems have been further developed : in particular an electrode pad for core imaging has been completed in collaboration with Nottingham Polytechnic , allowing sections of core to be imaged automatically .
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