Example sentences of "lead her [adv prt] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Alina had assumed that Belov was taking her to another of the buildings , but it seemed now that he was going to lead her out of the settlement altogether .
2 He had assured her he would be able to lead her out of the forest , but so far they seemed only to have become tangled further in its mazy pathways .
3 However , there were people there who were ‘ greatly desiring that she had been out of that country ’ , and she bustled off to York , where the Archbishop paid a man five shillings to lead her out of the town .
4 Poppy dissolved into a quivering heap when staff tried to lead her out of the cage , so they suggested that I tried .
5 He took her arm , almost lifting her from her seat , leading her out of the kitchen with no further words .
6 Giancarlo took her arm courteously as if he had known her for years , and , followed by his guests , led her out of the sun on the terrace and into the shade at the side of the house .
7 Her eyes were only very slightly glazed as Fernando Serra tightened his grip on her hand and led her out of the Guadalquivir suite .
8 Sister Cecilia held out a hand towards her , saying , ‘ Come child , come , ’ then led her out of the room , through the corridor , upstairs , and into her cubicle .
9 ‘ We ca n't talk here , ’ he said , and led her out of the room and into the hall .
10 He led her out of the bedroom and onto the terrace where Victoria was waiting .
11 He took her hand and led her out of the café .
12 ‘ There are two sides to our operation , ’ he had explained , when he led her out of the office block and across a bleak enclosed courtyard , where footsteps had scored a diagonal path through the snow , towards a high windowless wall of corrugated iron .
13 Lissa smiled wanly , and allowed Adam to reach for her hand and lead her out of the room .
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