Example sentences of "lead by [noun prp] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Several tons of rock later the once pristine , now battle scarred and muddy groove , was led by Rick Graham and seconded by Tony and myself producing Heirloom , HVS 5a , 120′ ( the route of the crag ! ) .
2 The Secession was led by Max Liebermann and joined by such dominant figures as Max Slevogt and Louis Corinth .
3 As of January 1991 four groupings continued to vie for control in Liberia : the Interim Government of National Unity , headed by Amos Sawyer and installed with the backing of the ECOWAS ( Economic Community of West African States ) peacekeeping force ECOMOG in November 1990 ; the Armed Forces of Liberia , the remnants of erstwhile President Samuel Doe 's forces , currently headed by Gen. Hezekiah Bowen ; the National Patriotic Front of Liberia ( NPFL ) , led by Charles Taylor and thought to be in control of much of the countryside outside the capital Monrovia ; and the Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia , led by Prince Yormie Johnson .
4 It was led by Tonu Anton and intended to write a new constitution by Nov. 15 which would then be put to referendum .
5 Of the other parties , the Independent Smallholders ' Party ( which had won 57 per cent of the vote in the last free election in 1945 — see p. 7600 ) , led by Istvan Prepeliczay , advocated the return of collectivized land to its owners as listed in the 1947 land register ; the Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP ) was established in October 1989 [ see p. 36960-61 ] as the reformed successor to the Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party ( HSWP ) and currently claimed 50,000-60,000 members , the first candidate on its national list being Imre Poszgay , who had acted as a catalyst for many of the reforms but who came third in the constituency where he was also standing ; and the League of Young Democrats ( FIDESZ ) , led by Viktor Orban and claiming 5,000 members , was closely allied to the SzDSz .
6 Authentic Soul of the 60 's and 70 's led by Dave Barnard and featuring Steve ( Love Affair ) Ellis , 3 singers , horns , rhythm , keyboards — the works — unmissable .
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