Example sentences of "result of [art] [noun] between the " in BNC.

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1 The DLP had been formed in February 1990 [ see p. 37247 ] as a result of a merger between the ruling conservative Democratic Justice Party ( DJP ) and two of the country 's three main opposition parties , the Reunification Democratic Party ( RDP ) and the New Democratic Republican Party ( NDRP ) .
2 The DLP had been created in February as a result of a merger between the ruling conservative Democratic Justice Party ( DJP ) and two of the country 's three main opposition parties , the Reunification Democratic Party ( RDP ) and the New Democratic Republican Party ( NDRP ) .
3 As in Logogen Theory , word recognition and the subsequent lexical access are viewed as a result of a balance between the available sensory and contextual information about a word at any given time .
4 The result of a collaboration between the London Centre , Thorn EMI Central Research Laboratories and Bristol-based Division Ltd , the ‘ major new project ’ will focus on real-time lighting simulation .
5 I do not recall any such incidents , but the economic difficulties that we inherited between 1979 and 1980 were indisputably due to the winter of discontent , which was a direct result of the relationship between the then Labour Government and the then trade unions .
6 This is because part-time members of the force have only slight contact with regular policemen and women , and experience greater status incongruity as a result of the contrast between the responsibility held in their day-time employment and the more restricted range of their police duties .
7 Th the remit though that , that we 're actually putting down on the appointment contract , is actually the result of the negotiations between the project coordinator and the client .
8 The Cheesewring was the result of the jealousy between the giants , who formerly held dominion over Cornwall , and the ‘ invasion ’ of saints and their growing influence over the Cornish .
9 Answer guide : The profit or loss arises as the result of the difference between the sale proceeds from an asset not intended for resale and its net book value which is ‘ broadly ’ based on its continuing use in the business .
10 It is stories like these which help to protect Easton 's policemen and women from the loss of morale which Manning claims is an inevitable result of the contradiction between the image the police have of themselves and their work and the low-key nature of practical policing ( Manning 1977 : 349 ; also see Holdaway 1983 , 1988 , who makes a similar point ) .
11 To a large extent the spending authorisations that emerge are the result of the interplay between the Treasury and the ‘ spending ’ ministries .
12 Because the novel relies on prior literary knowledge , each individual reading will necessarily be the idiosyncratic result of an interaction between the proper names given and the reader 's capacity to ‘ round out ’ these names by furnishing them with personalities and circumstantial details ( which may vary considerably even between readers who have read the same texts ) .
13 Military training will continue on Dartmoor for another 21 years as the result of an agreement between the Ministry of Defence and the Duchy of Cornwall which is owned by Prince Charles .
14 The joint ministerial committee with Ethiopia , formed as a result of an agreement between the two countries in April 1988 to improve bilateral relations [ see p. 36006 ] , met for the first time on Dec. 4-7 , 1989 , in Mogadishu .
15 This was understood to be the result of an agreement between the Cabinet and the Moslem Brotherhood by which the government would gain in exchange the co-operation of the Islamist opposition with some of its policies .
16 This will be the case where they are brought under common control or ownership or when one of the enterprises ceases to be carried on as a result of an agreement between the enterprises to prevent competition .
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