Example sentences of "effect of [noun] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So great is the slaughter that there has been enormous public concern and since 1978 my colleagues and I have studied the effect of road casualties on the toads that breed in the lake at Llandrindod Wells , in mid-Wales .
2 Few data are available on either the prevalence of oesophageal mucosal disease in asthmatics or the effect of bronchodilator therapy on the oesophageal mucosa .
3 Experiments examining the effect of cholesteryl esters on the stability of isolated pancreatic lysosomes were carried out using cholesteryl oleate incorporated into phosphatidylcholine vesicles .
4 There have been only limited studies which directly address the effect of cholesteryl esters on the stability of biologic membranes .
5 The effect of overflow records on the average seek times for directly processed records has been investigated by Montgomery and Hubbard and the author .
6 The result was the rationalisation of the industrial structure , which Professor G.C. Allen has summed up : ‘ The chief effect of government intervention between the wars was to defend the failures rather than to encourage the enterprising ’ .
7 ‘ What we are trying to highlight is the whole effect of Government policy on the health service , ’ Mr Gillen said .
8 No such effect of pertussis toxin on the inhibitory action of TPA was observed when histamine was used to stimulate the cyclic AMP content of HGT-1 cells ( Table II ) .
9 Stanley Fox and Margaret Rostker of Oklahoma State University investigated the effect of tail loss on the social status of a desert lizard , Uta stansburiana , by observing changes in dominance which followed tail-shedding .
10 The WHO collaborative studies also yielded some evidence of the independent effect of birth order on the chance of child survival .
11 The Hungarian vital statistics also give some insight at a national level into the effect of birth interval on the viability of different order offspring ( Table 17 ) .
12 In patients with longstanding ulcerative colitis , any tendency for the anal sphincter to weaken with age may be counterbalanced by the effect of work hypertrophy on the anal sphincter .
13 Effect of Recognition Performance on the Syntax Analyser
14 To pursue the investigation of the effect of family environment on the measured achievements and lifestyles of the Down 's Syndrome subjects as they enter adulthood to see how far age does , or does not , modify the influence of the family .
15 wage fixing arrangements which pay due regard to the effect of wage rates on the level of employment in each sector of the economy .
16 Comparison of the effect of point mutations in the HSV-1 IE-3 consensus binding site on the binding efficiencies of I9X and VT2 .
17 Having seen the effect of jeep fire-power during the earlier raid , Stirling was convinced that such a massed attack would achieve spectacular results .
18 In order to understand fully the effect of resource issues on the public sector we need to examine what happens in practice .
19 Effect of cholera toxin on the human jejunum
20 To assess the independent effect of predictor variables on the laminin concentration ( dependent variable ) , we used a multivariate linear regression modelling technique with forward stepwise addition of variables and a probability of <0.05 for the F test used as a criterion for the addition of a predictor variable .
21 Further council documents show that the appropriate department and the council itself had in mind the ‘ effect of traffic attraction to the site upon the environment in the approach roads , ’ but also had in mind ‘ the employment potential of the use proposed in the planning application . ’
22 It should be noted that the recognition of the effect of childbearing patterns on the health of women and children can be utilized not only by individuals or couples but also by organizations and authorities dealing with health and family welfare or development policies , including its social and population aspects .
23 A century of observation and analysis of births and deaths by these variables in many developed countries and of studies focusing on the effect of childbearing patterns on the viability of the product of conception , including the survival of infants and children , has accumulated a great body of information , to which an impressive amount of comparative data from developing countries has been recently added .
24 The research aims to evaluate the effect of policy change for the distribution of health care across different groups in the British population .
25 Hence , the latter underestimate the effect of market share on the level of ROI .
26 Studies on the effect of gun control in the United States have shown that states with stricter laws have lower suicide rates than states where a higher proportion of people own guns .
27 The subject of the effect of acid rain on the environment ( Forum , 24 February , p 535 ) has received increasing recognition and it certainly behoves those with influence to reduce the quantity of sulphur compounds being released into the atmosphere .
28 The effect of analysis techniques on the ranking of investments is shown in Table 4.9 where it can be seen that each method produces a different ranking .
29 The effect of analysis techniques on the ranking of investments is shown in Table 4.9 where it can be seen that each method produces a different ranking .
30 This group benefited most from the increasing absorption of men into the Army and Navy which peaked at around 10 per cent of the adult male labour force , nullifying the effect of population increase on the labour market .
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