Example sentences of "anything that [vb mod] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ace was uncertain whether or not to say anything that might disturb his concentration more than the noise outside did .
2 There was only one person to whom Jerome would be reporting with so much fervour ; Bénezet , naturally curious about anything that might serve his turn or redound to his profit , was not averse to picking up a few crumbs of useful information by the way .
3 By middle age I had discovered that everything I wanted to do , every attitude I announced , every desire I expressed , anything that might give me joy appeared to contradict the wishes of someone else .
4 Your parents are legally responsible for you and one of them ought to know about anything that might affect your health , either emotionally or physically .
5 I 'm a pretty perceptive person , I understand people quite well , but I never dreamt that my mother could do anything that would damage my daughter so greatly .
6 First , the hon. Gentleman is terrified of saying anything that would upset his trade union paymasters ; secondly , he is afraid to do anything that would remind the electorate of the chains that bind his party to those paymasters — the bosses of the trade unions .
7 She went into the hall , glad of anything that would take her mind from Dana for a few minutes .
8 Editor , — Allyson M Pollock and Azeem Majeed 's arguments in response to our editorial on consultant episodes could perhaps be summarised as ‘ the internal market is intrinsically flawed and we should not do anything that would delay its demise . ’
9 Anything that will improve their quality of life . ’
10 And if you thought you had a fight last year over bi-annual congresses , you wait until you try and do anything that will affect our structure in the future .
11 But so far — and this may be what you 're driving at — we have n't found evidence of anything that could explain her murder . ’
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