Example sentences of "anything that [modal v] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Just in time , he remembered he was talking to a thirty-year-old Captain from Int Corps who was deeply interested in anything that might be happening on his patch .
2 For the optimists , anything that can be insisted upon will be so basic that it will almost inevitably be mastered incidentally , while the class is actually engaged in pursuits that are far more demanding , interesting , varied and relevant .
3 As for the Hooligans , newspaper cartoonists ' sketches of their dress permutation depicted a more sharply defined style than anything that can be discerned by modern eyes from surviving photographs of the period — although that should not surprise us , because it is also a characteristic feature of the emphasis given to the cut of clothes within ‘ high ’ fashion sketches .
4 At that moment I understood that the Army out there , with its tanks aiding those madmen or , OK , even those pitiful people defending their immediate right to life is not defending anything that can be described as a social or national cause .
5 She was clearly mentally disturbed , and the reason that I got in touch with the legal project was to see if there 's anything that could be done by them to start giving her some way of getting in touch , getting to solve her problem .
6 However , the energies necessary to test a GUT or a TOE are unimaginably greater than anything that could be achieved on earth .
7 Although all felt that they had found a means of living which enabled them to be open to this reality , they nevertheless say that it was experienced as a gift and a grace beyond anything that could be achieved by conscious effort .
8 Thus , Spenser proposes that Irish savagery excels anything that could be associated with England 's most apparent enemy , Spain .
9 Having transgressed these invisible , but powerful , boundaries , the Teds were fair game for anything that could be thrown at them .
10 They are indeed a couple able to avoid anything that could be construed as A Masculine Ending ( BBC1 : 7.45–9.20 pm ) .
11 He ( Anderson ) played on a sexual stereotype , saying she was young , black , ‘ the best sex he had ever had ’ — anything that could be used as an excuse . ’
12 Here are a few ideas : pick up anything that could be used as a baton , not too short and not too long — a piece of wood , a length of metal , a strong branch , a short piece of scaffolding or part of a wooden fence would do .
13 At the moment , we have no way of knowing and , although the report is now public property , its contents during preparation and its final contents are determined entirely by those paying the bill — and they are the promoters who have every interest in avoiding drawing attention to anything that could be used against them when the Bill is debated publicly or scrutinised in the House on Second Reading , Report or in the Special Select Committee or the Standing Committee .
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