Example sentences of "door and [verb] [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You did n't think of opening your door and looking out into the corridor ? ’ she asked .
2 There was no sound from below and , carefully , Craig opened a door and stared out into the shabby passageway .
3 Preston opened the back door and stared out into the garden .
4 Bull O'Malley closed the door and walked back into the kitchen where Peg still sat on the chair , holding the basket on her lap .
5 She heard him slam the front room door and went back into the bedroom .
6 When the car was out of sight she shut the door and went back into the warmth of the lounge .
7 Philip opened the door and stepped out into the yard .
8 She opened the front door and stepped out into the corridor , which was more private than the flat if mother was only pretending to be asleep , which was possible .
9 Then she opened the door and passed out into the hall , closing it behind her with a quiet but determined movement , leaving Iskandara staring after her in silence .
10 She wanted to rush to the door and get out into the open air again before she suffocated .
11 Theodora watched a large , grey speckled hen parade slowly across the sweep , pause , raise an enquiring eye to the front door and pace on into the shrubbery .
12 With great caution , she opened the door and moved breathlessly into the corridor .
13 Rex took the gun in one hand , turned the handle with the other , kicked open the door and leapt dramatically into the studio .
14 He walked to the back door and peered out into the blackness .
15 He unlocked the door and peered out into the darkness .
16 Without turning up the light Katherine crossed to stand beside the window , leaving Michael Lee to close the door and move gingerly into the centre of the room .
17 Then she was bounding out of the room , heading for the front door and rushing outside into the garden .
18 There were no new notices on the wall-board criss-crossed with tape for messages , and Marion allowed Conroy to push open the big doors and go out into the cavernous darkness of the wings with their slats of scenery fencing the hollow stage , its set furniture dead beneath one working light .
19 She climbed up the ladder , the rungs cold under her bare feet , pushed open the unbolted doors and stepped out into the cockpit .
20 ‘ Has button B stuck , Mr Potter ? ’ she asked , and he murmured something unintelligible at her over his shoulder as he pushed into the revolving doors and spun out into the street .
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