Example sentences of "lot of [noun] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously a lot of thought has gone into the plan .
2 A nice touch that shows a lot of thought has gone into the design .
3 A lot of money has gone into their schooling but as my financial situation has deteriorated we have had to consider take them out of private education and sending them to state school .
4 Despite this instant recall , however , a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since we lifted the trophy .
5 What do people mean when they say , ‘ A lot of water has gone under the bridge ’ ?
6 This looks simple enough but , believe me , a lot of sweat has gone into producing that formula .
7 Sadly a lot of orchards have disappeared in villages to make way for more homes .
8 As can be imagined , trying to obtain reasonable samples of the general population for relatively short interviews on such topics as voting behaviour or food preferences can result in a lot of interviewers having to call at a lot of houses over all towns and cities in the country .
9 In recent years , a lot of work has gone into improving the quality of care that patients receive from the health service .
10 In recent years , a lot of work has gone into improving the quality of care that patients receive from the health service .
11 A lot of work has gone into arranging them and now publicity is vital in order to reach as many people as possibly .
12 It 's a listed building and a lot of work has gone into making sure of its stability and construction
13 Lot of work 's gone onto them things .
14 A lot of support has come from local firms and from individuals like electricians and plumbers , said Mrs Coates .
15 It appears a lot of research has gone into this book , especially into the work on comparative social security systems .
16 And a lot of people have rallied round Terry Biddlecombe , very popular man , Injured Jockeys ' Fund among others and he 's back in the back in the swim fully employed and in action for Mackeson today at er Cheltenham .
17 Yeah , did a lot of people have to go in homes in those days , or is it just like today ?
18 A lot of people have said to us that our gigs remind them of when they 're in the bathroom , miming with a tennis racket , pouring water over their heads for that sweat experience . ’
19 A lot of people have said to us that our gigs remind them of when they 're in the bathroom , miming with a tennis racket , pouring water over their heads for that sweat experience . ’
20 There was a home opened in Tayside earlier this year — a 90 bed home — and this is flying in the face of what a lot of people have put in a lot of effort arguing with health service that you have to get away from the concept that 80 , 90 , 120 beds is a small unit .
21 A lot of design 's gone into that .
22 Well November , I meant the fourth of November it seems to be for ever anyway I spoke to the Head of the Department when they came back and he said I must admit we 've done nothing from the point of view of putting things on paper but a lot of thinking has gone into it I must really sit down now and commit things to paper .
23 ‘ A lot of intellectuals have moved into the industry , ex-school teachers , artists , semi-professionals .
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