Example sentences of "lot of [noun] [conj] [unc] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But er there was a lot there was a lot of girls and th I do n't know what had what had happened but I mean , that was the worst thing , he 'd went up in the lift and there was quite there was some other the rest of the people in the lift er was trapped and was burned to death you know , tragic end .
2 And the farm has , last three years has lost a lot of money and er they had one farm at Colkirk which they 've now sold and er they just sort of decided they wanted to make the , they had a big barn , a big white barn which was a real old barn and he wanted to make that into a house .
3 Her Mum 's got a lot of money cos ev you know Lisa sh , her Mum goes , her Mum 's gone can you hold this tin of paint and they 're in Sport , you know the trainer shop ?
4 But , I mean the concern Carters Mead Resident 's Association I think is well founded , I think there 's been a lot of problems and er I think it can come upon us all to keep talking with them and to improve the situation should the should Woolwich back out .
5 You know like I say there is quite a lot of trust and erm I think Yona and me are sort of aware er we 're very much united in the feeling that we do n't we do n't want things to erm you know we want everybody to be involved and obviously different people have different things to offer .
6 It was only a one-sided lock , which is completely and totally different to an ordinary lock er working both sides , you see what I mean and er I er I 'd got to er make a key , number thirty-nine just like that , see but I had it and I could find out what thirty-nine was and I could make them one and send it and knowing it would fit see and er when they had different people working there , you know staff , things like that , not a lot of orders but er somebody else come .
7 Ooh well they used to well they did n't used to sing a lot of songs but er they used to do a lot of you know playing about and perhaps and then they 'd perhaps have a ball .
8 I I 'm happy to serve as long as it is n't you know , I mean I I ca n't give a lot of time because er my time 's so committed .
9 Er but I used to tell people and they you know people near me that had a lot of children and er they 'd moan and groan about it , I heard one woman say erm , she 'd had quite a few children and I I 'd been in hospital and I said er , er a certain person that 'd had a baby had lost it .
10 Chairman Michael started off on a nice tripartisan note which er I think we on this side er did appreciate and it 's true that this panel er has agreed a great deal , covered a lot of ground and er I think er avoided the sort of er , er controversy etc. , etc. , was which we 're now caring now we are arranging in practical groups does mean the Labour groups has introduced a sound note er Brian started off by saying that the Conservatives er were not interested in an economic development strategy , er I must point out that and this activity derives from the local government managing act nineteen eighty nine , and by the present Government .
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