Example sentences of "sort of [noun] of the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A picture that you 'll find to sort of try and ex give you an example of some of the l a the text books have got some great pictures on these particular sorts of examples of the laws in practice .
2 This sort of awareness of the children 's requirements is a key role for the teacher in most activities as she tries to anticipate and provide for the next stage in each child 's development .
3 So , so , could I er , the sort of realism of the outputs yeah ?
4 Charles remembered from working on The Strutters with him that George had always had an approximate approach to the text , relying , as did so many television actors , on a sort of paraphrase of the speeches which homed in on the right cue .
5 Rather , α needs to be determined by some sort of average of the values for a number of preceding trials as in the following equation : ( 3.2 )
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