Example sentences of "let it be [vb pp] that it " in BNC.

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1 Much more important , the interior ministry has let it be known that it is dropping its draconian controls on the use of photocopying machines .
2 In Washington , the administration has now let it be known that it will work for the softening of the amendment 's consequences , provided — and forgetting Kosovo for the moment — that Stipe Mesic , a Croat , is no longer obstructed by the Serbs from taking up the post of chairman ( for one year ) of Yugoslavia 's eight-member presidency .
3 She was working with a variety group and we laughed together when Sir Henry , who had still a lot of influence , let it be known that it was his wish that Miss Anne Zeigler married Mr Webster Booth .
4 Although the name of the sponsor has not yet officially been announced , it is assumed to be Olivetti who , when the restoration of the Brancacci Chapel was first mooted , let it be known that it was willing to underwrite the restoration of the ‘ Trinity ’ , Masaccio 's other great fresco painting .
5 The USA let it be known that it was prepared to upgrade the status of these talks if North Korea submitted to nuclear inspection .
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