Example sentences of "let [pers pn] [verb] [pron] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No , Caroline thought , as she let him lead her down to the ancient ground , no , it had n't .
2 She let him help her down from the carriage and lead her inside a shop where there was a strong , pastoral smell of grain , and Sarah wrinkled up her nose to sniff it .
3 However , she allowed him to squire her to the desk , without comment and with a straight face , told him the number of her key , though keys were almost an affectation at ‘ The Salmon 's Return ’ , more for ornament than use , and let him take it down for her and escort her to the foot of the oak staircase , which wound in slightly drunken lurches about a narrow well , the polished treads hollowed by centuries of use .
4 Let us get it down from the shelf for close scrutiny .
5 When Luke moved her back towards one of the couches , she complied mindlessly , letting him pull her down with him and turning in towards him as he drew her across him , supporting her with one arm while his free hand curved round her , instinct or experience guiding him to the concealed zip of her simple dress .
6 ‘ Will you at least let me walk you down to the station ? ’
7 ‘ Julia , I hope that you will let me take you down into Florence for dinner tonight ; if we went early , we could stroll a little first and look at one or two of the best exteriors . ’
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